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Bob Uecker

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Everything posted by Bob Uecker

  1. Nothing yet, CSS also isn’t seeing my name on their loss roster either.
  2. Is mid-November the date commanders are notified or when the PSDM drops for everyone?
  3. Asked my CSS today, name is not on there yet 😕
  4. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003p.pdf?ver=2018-05-04-113917-883#page25 This could help narrow that down. I don’t remember my FC1 at my local base going any farther than that for that area.
  5. Not 100% sure, have you tried looking through the AFI? (36-2105 I think) I always thought it was blanket.
  6. How different is the FC1 you would do at your base versus at Wright-Patt? I almost failed depth perception when I went through.
  7. Thats great. That does not defeat the fact that the Kurds disarmed villages in Sinjar and Nineveh Plains in 2014, promised security, then high-tailed it out of town. The Christians in Nineveh Plains were lucky, and we all know what happened in Sinjar. Ive heard horror stories from people that were able to get to US after that. The Kurds have oppressed and used minorities in the area for their own gain. They are not a benevolent group in any sense.
  8. They assisted the Turks in committing the Armenian and Assyrian genocide during WW1. Not trying to say they did not fight hard in the last few decades, but I also hate the rose tinted glasses that we wear when we talk about them.
  9. Nice, best of luck this time around! Thanks for the info.
  10. Yea if you declined on previous years, you were not allowed to reapply. They added the one-time declination on this years board for future boards. Maybe if you had an ETP you could reapply, but thats a big longshot. I’m going pilot, PCSM is 88, with a PPL.
  11. That is a massive increase for CSO/ABM. Last year there was 20 RPA selects, which was more than FY17 and FY18 combined.
  12. The Kurds aren’t really all that reliable or great of a group to back. Kurds hate other Kurds more than Sunnis and Shias hate each other. Treatment of religious/ethnic minorities in the area (with exception to Yazidis) is not all that much better than it was under ISIS.
  13. Last years results were supposed to post in December, but came out 7 Jan. Still hope they don’t have a broad definition of “slightly less.” We had ~2.5 months from PSDM drop to final submission, last year had nearly 7 months, so there is bound to be a lot less candidates to sift through.
  14. This years board allows anybody to decline this year to apply again in the future only once. Not sure how many people would take that option.
  15. Well I hassled them today. Pilot slots are slightly down (thats verbatim) and total slots are up. No numbers.
  16. How do you think that bodes for the AD officer board?
  17. Yea, with the reference to ANG or ARC losing slots, I would have imagined a massive uproar seen here. A lot of the un-yellowed wording is also taken from a military.com article from May. Not to mention all we have so far is literally screenshots of that pic, all in crap quality.
  18. Thats all I have. Someone on reddit commented that it looks like BS, because everything outside of the yellow is apparently copied from a military.com article from May. The only images out there for this are potato quality, like they were screenshotting big foot.
  19. Sorry for potato quality, got it from a guy that knows a guy.
  20. https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/topic/22797-degradation-of-supt/?do=findComment&comment=467973 you guys think this will effect us?
  21. Do you guys think theres a correlation between student success and coming in with flight time, good or bad?
  22. From what I heard from a buddy who is an AS400, somewhere near 900. Basically they had more slots than applicants.
  23. You guys ever try using an inversion table?
  24. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-citizenship-children-of-troops-government-employees-not-automatic-new-policy/ According to the fact sheet, the new policy won't affect the following children: Those whose parents are both U.S. citizens, with at least one parent who had a residence in the U.S. or its territories before the child was born; Those who have two married parents, one of whom is a U.S. citizen who "was physically present in the U.S." or its territories for at least five years, with two of those years occurring after the parent was 14 years of age; Those who have unmarried parents, one of whom is a U.S. citizen meeting requirements listed in U.S. statute INA 309; Those who are eligible to have their U.S. citizenship certified at birth; And those residing in the U.S. with their U.S. citizen parent after being admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence.
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