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Sopwith Camel

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Everything posted by Sopwith Camel

  1. It is unfair. Life is unfair. Its by no means an insult to say that maybe you aren't right for the job. I might not be. I have no doubt that as a pilot I could fly fighters as effectively as any of them, but I also know that my own personality contrasts those of many fighter squadron pilots, and that could be a reason why I never get selected, if that is my fate. So what if its unfair? If a job you've never done (and therefore aren't certain you would like) is so central to your identity and existence, thats a problem. If you wanted to join a particular fraternity, but nobody would sponsor you and none of them would give you a bid, it could very well be that you wouldn't choose to be with them either, if the roles were switched. Maybe don't turn so much of your life's happiness in something which, in the end, you cannot fully control...
  2. Yes. The bottle was under $50 its not that $300 blue label. Former members of Fresno squadron told me not to be "that guy" who doesn't bring something. Still was that guy, lol.
  3. this is SEC country, brother.. we drink bourbon cradle to grave I figured it would show extra thought when I brought a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label to Fresno and they gave me shit for not bringing Jack... Seems more of a cheap way to stock their bars of the backs of applicants, few of whom will even get an interview
  4. Question for y'all folks who would have some idea as to this. How would you rate my resume's quality? Class of 2018 B.A. in History (major California university) 3.0 GPA 22 years old, male, clean medical and legal records PCSM 80 (I got the same score on my second take) CFI (highest scrutiny FAA certification), and am employed in actually teaching mortals to fly I know my PCSM score isn't remarkable, but its not a poor score. Same for my GPA, I'm not a scholar but its a solid GPA. Given these two stats aren't anything special for me, and probably at the lower end of the range of consideration, what are my chances, particularly for a fighter unit? Being a CFI is certainly a better measure of aptitude for flight training than a standardized test, but will that bear out for me? Or is this an uphill battle? I have no expectations for anything, but think I should have a good chance, but don't know if I actually do... thanks
  5. If you're not enlisted its a very uphill battle.
  6. Sponsored means you are hired by a unit prior to going to UPT. You have to apply to UPT boards, get interviewed, and get hired.
  7. I don't get what derping out to a sub forum thread with 20 posters does for you
  8. Nothing on their site, where is the info on this?
  9. The announcements for Fresno were made today and names posted on their website. https://www.144fw.ang.af.mil/Resources/Pilot-Boards/ ... I'm not one of them
  10. That was in the Nov board. Interviews for May go out on April 30.
  11. What are extremely high scores and hours? Anybody have a guess? Most people on the UPT rush circuit seem to hover around PPL + a little bit in the hours department.
  12. The question is why you would want to plan to spend so much of your life commuting that kind of distance.
  13. 4 got hired at Channel Island CA C-130, all prior E
  14. Did anyone here apply to the Massachusetts ANG, 131st FS for the F-15C? I can't remember whether they stated when interview notifications were going to be. Due date was only a week ago, I'm just curious.
  15. I was seeking out a AFR recruiter to submit an unsponsored UPT package and he told me that all authorizations for rated pilots this fiscal year have been filled, and no more applications for unsponsored will be accepted.
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