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Everything posted by Yaweh
That was an example during my Enlisted Aircrew days. Mostly a holdover because I never took them off the shirt.
Reminds me of doing FTAC and not being able to wear my flight suit, but secfo were allowed to wear their berets. Cant wear the flight suit because it makes people feel left out. Cant wear the flight suit because everyone else has to wear ABU's, but secfo can wear their berets because they earned it. I thought wearing your leather jacket with blues was normal to cover up the lack of effort to keep ribbons up to date and the potentially missing name tag.
Where in that article did it say .32BAC?
From my limited Multi-engine experience, yes you would step on the good engine to counter the adverse yaw. I also believe the #1 engine is the critical engine for the C-130H.
https://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/docs/factsheets/Yellow Ribbon Program.pdf When I used my Post 911, if the school is able to use Yellow Ribbon it helps offset the cost. I had taken so many classes that I eventually maxed out my Post 911 benefits for the fiscal year and the Yellow ribbon helped me continue taking classes until the beginning of the next fiscal year.
Not to give free advertising but, I went through Liberty University. Once you have your PPL done you can use your Post 911 for Instrument Flight 8 weeks Commercial Flight 1/2/3 (its three 16 week classes that can be condensed to 8 weeks each) CFI 8 weeks CFII 8 weeks Multi-Engine Flight 8 weeks MEI With a combination of your Post 911 and Yellow Ribbon, you can get pretty much all your ratings and a Degree, While collecting BAH. The downside is that you cannot take more than one flying course at a time so it can take longer than you might need. But, if you manage to save money during the course, any additional funds once that class is completed can be used by you for recreational flying or if you want to start unofficially early for your next rating/class. A few more negatives is that Liberty is a very Christian school to the point where it is annoying how much they try to shove Jesus into everything even when it makes no sense. Liberty is also very conservative, but if you can shut up and color its probably the cheapest way to get your ratings, and they accept almost all of your credits from your Enlisted tech school/Cleps/DANTE.
Man, I had this thought today while walking my dogs. I thought "I wonder if I have time to print out some Stickers for the Bottle of Alcohol." Though my idea was just a seductive photo of myself but to each his own.
"Pilot, RPA pilot, and CSO candidates with a private pilot certificate are exempt from IFS." (AETCI36-2205V3, 2012, pg.3) https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/aetc/publication/aetci36-2205v3/aetci36-2205v3.pdf I don't know for certain when the cut off time is, but I imagine if you finished before you went to OTS they would amend your orders. Save your money man! It is free flight time that will be a benefit to acclimating to Air Force Tech School. My friend who was prior enlisted went through IFT and said he felt that it was a big benefit because it got him familiar with how they grade you and what "Stand-ups" were. Take the free time and use it to better prepare yourself, rushing to get a PPL is, in my opinion, a waste of money that could be better spent. Any way you want it good luck.
Chasing the dream of Fighter's!
Yaweh replied to Hawg Rider Vipgle Driver's topic in What Are My Chances?
You should apply to Buckley. I feel like I'm asking a woman if she is pregnant because I hope to god this is a troll. -
Not a pilot yet still waiting to go to UPT, but former loadmaster. If those pubs are anything like what I experienced as an enlisted aviator, they will change probably a half dozen times before you get there. I wouldn't memorize any specific numbers. But what do I know!
I mean just look at him He is offering to help and you're asking why him and not you. That could be a hint? But besides that, it seems you both have similar scores and hours, with John being a prior service guy and possible at that squadron ( I hope I got that right?). That whole person concept seems to be swinging in his favor just based off that comment you made. I didn't even apply to Duluth but now I wish I did so I would have a chance to meet John hahaha.
Looking to fly heavies! How am I looking?
Yaweh replied to jyang1659's topic in What Are My Chances?
I would try for Active if you want active, the worst that happens is they say no. Your AFOQT scores are very good, your GPA is good also. As for flying I would continue to gain hours and if at all possible get to atleast your SOLO and complete that. I wouldnt break your bank to try and force a PPL out. The TBAS range for hours are 0 hours/ 1-5 hours/ 6-10 hours /11-20 hours/21-40 hours/41-60 hours/61-80 hours/ 81-100 hours / 101-200/ 201+ I personally would continue flying till you SOLO & get above 21 hours at a minimum. Push for active duty if you want, let the Air Force tell you no. As far as the LASIK information, I think this forum has a lot of useful information about it, but if you can complete your FC1 that would be the ultimate source of information in my opinion. Good luck on your TBAS, it was a very fun test. Also good luck on your journey! -
I meant that, when we were trained the first step wasn't to shoot them. Like you said situation dependent.
In my opinion, I live right by Tacoma Narrows, fly in that exact area very often and I listened to whatever available ATC recordings are out. I don't think that shooting the guy down would of made anything better, if not made things worse. I haven't seen too many Airplanes shot down midair but I am assuming there is little to no control of where they end up. Maybe a headline reading "Air Force needlessly shot down passenger jet killing hundreds on the ground". Then we would hear arguments of people saying "the guy was co-operating for what seemed to be the Majority of the time. He said he didn't want to hurt anyone and was pretty obedient when it came to direction changes to avoid flying over populated area's". I feel like if he had attempted to land at McChord that things would of ended up way worse. He could of attempted to land the Tacoma Narrows Airport and most likely would of avoided most houses. I am not sure where this "we should of shot him down" intensity is from. When I was a Loadmaster our reaction to Hijackers is not to immediately shoot them.
To enlist or not to enlist?
Yaweh replied to lph1235's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
I think it all comes down to how bad your eyes are and if you really only want guard/reserve or if you could live with AD. Under the assumption you only want guard/reserve I would do this. 1. If you want to fly heavies, apply for a loadmaster job 1A2XX at the unit you want to fly for. You get a FC2 physical which is less eye intensive but during one of my flight physicals later on, not my initial. I asked about doing the Pilot version when I was a load master and flight med let me. ( I attempted to transfer to be a Helicopter Pilot for the Army). This could potentially show you if you could get medically DQ'd early on. If you want fighters id follow the advice of those who posted before me and go AFE or crew chief. 2. Clep a bunch of classes during your enlisted tech school, they are free the first time you attempt them. I clepped my English classes, math, science, computer basics, Social Science and History. You can even clep public speaking. My point being this will help make up for the time you spent in Basic and your other tech schools. 3. Once you get to your main job I would grind through school and attempt to get flight hours at a 141 school. Assuming you did a 4 year enlistment you should be right on course with your peers. But now you have prior service, a degree, and flight hours. With experience as Aircrew with the Unit you hopefully still want to fly for. If you dont care if you go AD. If you know in your heart of hearts you want to serve then go to the Academy in my opinion. 1. Apply for the Academy 2. Apply for ROTC Disclaimer: I did not go any of those routes but the guard/reserve one is what my friend did and it worked for him. I was AD for 6 years because I wanted free college, I clepped a ton of classes during tech school and then did one or two classes at the education center at my base. I had 80 credits after 6 years because I was slow rolling it. I separated and went to school full time and choose a degree that allowed my Post 911 to pay for my ratings. I applied for the Reserve board as Unsponsored got accepted and I am currently waiting on my dates. If I could do it over again differently I would of at least tried for the Academy or ROTC when I was your age. I believe being prior enlisted makes me more competitive but I don't look down on people who haven't enlisted, infact they seem just as competitive. I don't think hiring only from within is a solid strategy and could potentially limit diversity but I am not currently an Air Force Pilot and know nothing about hiring. So my opinion doesnt mean shit haha. As most active duty pilots were never enlisted before and most of them are great people who all have different backgrounds and methods of becoming AF pilots. Overall if you are floating the idea of joining the Air Force you should probably just go to a school that you want and look at ROTC and then do your PPL in your free time to see if you even enjoy flying. No need to sign anything right now because the Air Force will always be there and you have plenty of time. Good Luck! -
Unsponsored and the needs of the Air Force
Yaweh replied to Yaweh's topic in Pilot Selection Process
AH18 Thanks for the response! -
Hey, I looked around and haven't really found any information directly related to unsponsored UPT students who haven't found a unit being assigned a unit. So I was selected with a Primary Unsponsored slot and was under the impression that if an Unsponsored candidate does not find a unit to sponsor them, then the Air Force will find a unit for them. Does anyone know or witnessed an unsponsored UPT student have their unit selected for them because they did not find a unit, how did it work? Were they given a list of units that were critically manned and they choose from the list or did the Air Force email them a set of orders with the Unit on it and that was that (How I feel it would happen). I have a strong feeling that because Unsponsored students automatically track T1's that they would most likely be sent to a Tanker unit or a C-130 Unit, I am not saying this as a negative I am just trying to gauge which units are probably hurting most for pilots in the reserve. So if you know anyone who went the unsponsored route and did not find a unit in time and had the Air Force find one for them if you wouldnt mind sharing your story or theirs I would be interested in reading that, and if you have opinions on what you imagine the Air Force would do feel free to post that also. Thanks
Hey I was enlisted and didn't separate till I was 25, my advice is you've got plenty of time so do not worry too much. Utilize Tuition assistance the best you can and try completing some cleps. I clepped the shit out of some classes and it saved me a ton of time. I think there is a limit to how much cleps you can use towards a degree but its free so why not do it if you think you can pass it. Go to the education office and talk with one of the colleges nearby and take a few classes or register online for a school and keep pushing. The good news is some of the training you received in the Air Force colleges will count as credits and that will put you closer to your Degree. A different path is I think you can apply to the Prep school for the Academy if you are under the age of 22 and are Single with no Dependents. This could be a path, I knew a guy who wasn't that smart and he managed it. Anyways keep pushing you have got plenty of time.
Civ to Reserve Pilot Slot Guidance
Yaweh replied to kleveling's topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
Yeah, I was prior enlisted and I dont feel like I have an advantage. I would suggest getting some flight hours and at least get past your solo. I have only seen a few squadrons demand a PPL. Good luck! -
I think personally you have a very strong chance. Just apply. Is your goal to become a pilot? Are you trying to stay AD or is guard and reserve something that interests you. Either way 4.0 GPA, 99 PILOT, none of your other scores are low (in my opinion), Your PCSM is pretty high considering you have 1 flight hour. If youre going for pilot, id stick with that as I believe you will have no problem at all.
Averages were PCSM 83 GPA 3.22 Flying hours 86 But those averages were for Last reserve board and I do not believe they play a huge role in selection for anything really. Id also like to re-iterate I am in a similar position as you and I am in no way qualified to answer these questions, just my opinion from what I have been told when I asked similar questions. Just be the best person you can be and take the time to visit the Units you want to join. If they like you, your scores will matter much less. I know its not the answer either of us want because it would be great to have a specific threshold to meet and then they hire you off the bat, but because the way Reserve and Guard hire for their unit its really up to each unit individually to decide who they want as long as that person meets the minimum scores required. Maybe someone more qualified will answer, either way good luck!
I don't imagine any unit would care if you were selected by another unit. I could almost see that attempting to use it as leverage will be seen as a negative, as it seems kind of manipulative. I was recently picked up for unsponsored but I can tell you the average scores for the board I was on was P91 N72 AA60 V63 Q55. From what I have heard from asking around other units the whole person concept is what they initially go off of and if they have two people they really like then it goes down to the scores. You didnt post your GPA or PCSM or Flying hours so I am not sure I can form an accurate opinion on your scores other than good job on the Pilot portion of the AFOQT. Id personally like to say congratulations on receiving heavies, I was a previous 1A251 and being apart of a crew was what made the job fun and exciting. I can understand wanting to try for fighters as its probably your only opportunity to do it now, but I dont think viewing your heavy unit as leverage does well for the whole person concept. I could almost see it as a negative if you mentioned it because just getting a position in a unit is something people are currently fighting to receive. Kind of like dating a girl and telling her if a hotter girl accepts you then you're going to bounce. Anyways good luck applying but if it doesn't happen I am sure you are going to love heavies! Imagine all the bathroom breaks in flight and food you can cook in the ovens.
There is a program that lets you go to the academy I think before you are 22, I say forget about doing your CDC's as they are pointless unless your supervisor told you to do them by a certain date. I think finding out about that academy program is your cheapest, safest bet in getting what you want. Edit: https://www.airforce.com/frequently-asked-questions/high-school,college/what-are-the-eligibility-requirements-for-the-air-force-academy-or-prep-school I wouldnt worry about AFOQT or PCSM yet either, if you haven't started school you have a long long time before they become relevant.
I ran into three people who are in ROTC saying there is a program or option that isnt talked about much for people to go from ROTC to Reserve/ANG. I am not sure on how it works but the vibe I got is that they essentially get hired before they graduate.