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admdelta last won the day on December 22 2023

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  1. Might definitely look into that since I found out that I’m getting explicitly recommended not to be reclassed into a rated job as it turns out. So that’s an extra gut punch for me since I was getting excited about that, but cyber sounds pretty sweet from what everyone’s saying.
  2. Thank you! Now I'm trying to figure out who you are IRL 😂
  3. I think it's still on the table and it'll be my next choice as long as the pipeline isn't still backed up. Last I heard rumor was it was taking people over a year to get in there, so hopefully that's cleared up.
  4. Thanks again guys. Unfortunately the CR did not go the way I had hoped. This is definitely not how I had envisioned this journey ending when I started it 6 or 7 years ago, and it hurts about as much as you would expect, but I’m gonna try and still be the best officer I can be wherever I end up.
  5. Tomorrow’s the day everyone. I managed to write a pretty killer show cause letter acknowledging my mistakes and outlying my plans to get back on track, and I got a fair few letters from others as well. Hopefully it all works out. Thanks for all your insights, advice, and encouraging words.
  6. Thank you for saying this because this is 100% how I've felt every time but have never been able to quite put my finger on it. I'm definitely mentioning this in my letter, and if I'm lucky enough to be kept around, finding a way to fix ti. Love this story, and really appreciate your comment.
  7. I should have written my original post more clearly (just edited it) but I already had the 89. It was unusually bad and I hooked the absolute hell out of it. That said, if I pull out a miracle and survive the CR I'll need to fly another one and I'm definitely taking this advice. Thanks for taking the time to lay that all out.
  8. Hopefully this is the right section of the forum for this. I'm at UPT right now and I'll just say things have been incredibly rough lately. I was doing pretty alright for the first few rides, but after that the cracks started to emerge in my GK and I found myself falling behind. A hook or two later I ended up on CAP and whipped myself into shape. I started going to the cognitive specialists every other day to assess and fix my study habits and work on in-flight stress management, I started studying harder and better, simming a lot more on my own time, chair flying better and more, having regular GK sessions with my IPs etc. Things were starting to really look up until my end of block flight to clear me for solo. During that flight I made the silly decision to get distracted by my GPS and lost SA at a really stupid time. The rest of the flight had some errors, but was decent, however that was an instant hook and I knew it right away. Despite the outcome of the flight over all, the flight commander (my IP for the flight) actually mentioned on the gradesheet how much of an improvement he'd seen since putting me on CAP. Nonetheless, this triggered an 88. The 88 ride was also fairly decent for the most part. There were some issues that would have made for debrief items with a fair if it weren't for the fact that suddenly I forgot how to land. I couldn't get them set up and kept going around, and a couple the IP had to go around for me because I judged poorly that I could land them. I had a very nice landing at the end of the flight and hoped it would save me, but it did not. Ride hooked, onto the 89. My 89 flight with the commander was probably my worst since my dollar ride. A week of accumulated stress and anxiety finally took its toll and I simply could not perform. I was screwing things up that I've never had issues with before and it was just an overall disaster. I'm now staring down a CR next week or possibly after the winter break and I'm absolutely gutted. I worked my butt off through 5 years of rejection, battling age limits, and a whole load of other obstacles to get to this point and watching it all slip away because of a series of small but ultimately stupid mistakes spread out over multiple rides is more painful than I can describe, especially after the effort I've put in lately to get my ass back in shape over the last 4 weeks. I was dealt a few unlucky hands here as well but I recognize that ultimately I'm to blame. The best day of my life was when I got the call saying I was going to be a pilot. My worst day was yesterday. Sorry for the long sad post, ultimately I guess I just want to vent a bit but also ask for advice. Has anyone been in this situation and survived the CR, or seen someone else do it? Is there anything I can do to help my odds? I know my chances are incredibly slim this early in the syllabus and with a less than stellar gradebook, but I'm willing to do anything and throw whatever hail Mary necessary to keep this dream alive. I gave up my home, a 7 year long career, love, and much more to get to where I am today. If I lose this too, how do I stay positive in the face of what feels like a massive failure and a waste of my potential and half a decade of work?
  9. I know it’s scheduled for 10 am Friday but that’s all I’ve got at the moment. The POC’s number is posted on their Bogidope page though and he’s been pretty responsive!
  10. They are, though I’m not sure it was an option this year. I never heard back when I asked.
  11. Somewhat terse TBNT from Oregon just went out for anyone who's still wondering lol.
  12. I actually cold called them like a year ago and got their information for their board then, but then it ended up getting canceled due to COVID. Then they emailed me out of the blue a couple weeks ago asking if I still wanted to interview.
  13. Anybody interviewing for FRED at Travis tomorrow?
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