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Everything posted by admdelta

  1. Channel Islands interviews postponed until June. Put your hopes and dreams in the freezer for a couple months folks!
  2. The Winchester is closed for social distancing. 😅
  3. Where’d you hear this?
  4. Over 200 for tankers?! That’s more than some fighter squadrons. Insane.
  5. The latter. Basically it means send in an application and hope they get back to you when they decide to start hiring. It’s probably worth having your stuff on file, because a lot of Reserve bases don’t seem to post on Bogidope very often so you might miss it.
  6. The AF IMT 24 is an application for the position you're applying for though, so it would make sense that 11F would be the correct response. It's not asking for your current AFSC. I always put 11XX (whatever the correct AFSC is). I also asked the POC in Oregon for clarification on this and he said it's also fine to just leave it blank - he just likes the form because it gives him a bunch of useful information about you, not because the version you send is going to be formally submitted. But that of course is probably at the discretion of whoever is handling the paperwork. Definitely don't put the wrong AFSC in there though, like 11M or something.
  7. They were making calls yesterday.
  8. Anybody gonna be interviewing at Channel Islands next month?
  9. Personally I’ve always interpreted this just as “don’t mail us a hard copy.” I’ve been to meet and greets with squadrons where their job postings have said they accept emailed versions only, but they were asking if anybody had a hard copy they wanted to turn in. It probably all depends on the squadron of course but if he brings it and asks and they say no, I don’t think they’d hold that against him.
  10. Personally I don’t think it would hurt if you’re hand delivering it during a visit as long as you sent them an email too.
  11. That's a negative.
  12. Thanks! Is this gonna be your fist one or are you reapplying?
  13. Congrats bud! Where at?
  14. Just heard back from the Mass POC, he says the board details for this year are still TBD. Doesn't sound like it's happening next month as someone else reported. He did say to keep an eye out on Bogidope and that they'd be making a post there.
  15. Hey man keep it down, I don’t wanna have to compete with 200+ people on heavies too! 😂
  16. I just emailed the POC, apparently he's still doing it this year too. I'll update you if I hear anything (they said he's on leave for the next couple days).
  17. But watch out everyone, cuz that list also includes me with my PPL, killer scores, and utterly charming personality. 😜
  18. Divided for two squadrons and it doesn’t seem so bad, right? 😅 😭
  19. Congrats dude! Good luck up there!
  20. I went to Portland back in December. It was hard to get a gauge on how important it was honestly because most of the squadron was gone doing training, but the guys I did meet were way cool. I definitely got a Portland-esque vibe though - kind of a big city tempo mixed with a simultaneously laid back kind of feel to it, but while still maintaining their readiness and taking the job seriously.
  21. A very pessimistic outlook from such an optimistic username.
  22. Thanks! Sounds like I should turn to my favorite study tool, Ace Combat 7, for help with this one.
  23. I'm applying for the one in August. Missed the deadline on the January deadline by a hair, sadly. And thanks for that tip! Where'd you hear that you didn't have to do that?
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