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Everything posted by admdelta

  1. What is this strange new word
  2. You sure he’s not just trying to steer you away from AD so he can keep you for himself? 🤪
  3. When did you hear that? I spoke to my active recruiter on Friday and he didn’t mention anything about the board being canceled.
  4. Honestly to me that’s like saying “here’s a list of everyone who didn’t like me as much in real life.” I would advise a hard pass personally.
  5. Saaaaame. Let's hug it out bud.
  6. There’s one next week on January 10. PM me and I can send you the deets.
  7. YouTube tracks views. If you keep your video unlisted then all views should be coming from the squadron.
  8. Can confirm that this hasn’t changed. One package goes to both units.
  9. Oh no of course not, I was just concerned that they might not have received it since other people were getting an email about the reschedule. I shot a follow up email and they confirmed that it was received and then sent me the same info so it's all good.
  10. Hmm I didn’t get that email from Madison. I wonder if I should be concerned.
  11. I’ll see ya there!
  12. I visited them once before as a civilian and it's still basically a standard UTA weekend visit - just a bit more structured I guess? When I went before though everyone else was civilian so I didn't get an example to follow. Other regular UTA weekends I've been to have always had people in uniform though, so I'm gonna go ahead and take your advice! Thanks!
  13. I've got my first meet and greet coming up since finishing up BMT and tech school. For all you former and current enlisted folks, would you suggest I wear my ABUs, or should I still stick with the usual business casual for meeting with the unit?
  14. Congrats! One of the guys I went to tech school with is a SARM there. It sounds like a pretty good bunch of people.
  15. Hey looks like they edited their post and added more PDFs with the requirements.
  16. Yeah I think it’s only been around for 2 or 3 years as far as I know.
  17. Oh shoot you’re right! I just saw the attachment and assumed it was in there. Weird! Probably email the POC on there to ask in that case.
  18. You might be, which bodes poorly for your flight physical! 😜 Jk, the requirements are in the attached PDF on the bottom of the post.
  19. Nah. I’ve just gotten them excused no problem. Should be easy as long as your leadership aren’t a-holes.
  20. PM me and I can have a look.
  21. I’ve been wondering the same thing. It’s been like a year now right? Someone must have snatched him up!
  22. You gonna fill us in or what?
  23. Holy crap 600?! That’s more than most fighter squadrons, wtf. Well better luck next year!
  24. I did. You hear anything yet?
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