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Everything posted by BackseatBallast

  1. My mistake, it's actually 4 years from the certification date per 48-123.
  2. I think they were looking for the 2808 showing the IFC for FC1 not just a current 2992, at least that's how I interpreted it. I sent both. The stink of it is I think the annual physicals for FC1/2/3 are the exactly the same. The 4 year counter is for entry into training pipeline requiring that class of physical regardless.
  3. Heh... And here I go trying to shackle myself for another 10.
  4. All you RPA folk trying to jump ship really has me questioning my #2... 🤔
  5. Thanks for the gouge, hope they are able to push the results out in the next few weeks!
  6. Does anyone have insight on the current climate for TFCSD waivers in AD/Guard/Reserve boards respectively? I would be 8 years TFCSD at class entry next year, so it would definitely be pushing it... Much appreciated! - Bric
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