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Everything posted by Harambe

  1. Because they ruined it. All the things they’re trying to ban were the stress relief for the sacrifice.
  2. Because it’s basically just the flu.
  3. Could a 11M ever become an ALO?
  4. So if you did you’re good? That 19th AF generals comments don’t apply?
  5. Do you need a waiver to go to T-38 PIT as a non 11F/B? What reg is that in?
  6. I am honestly curious. The AF just published that it wants 7 new fighter squadrons while simultaneously being short hundreds of fighter pilots. Surely there's opportunities there for T-38 dudes who missed the boat the first time. Am I wrong?
  7. Oh, so promising news!
  8. Any development on the heavy to fighter topic?
  9. Very interesting. Do people think these cross flows will continue, or was this just a one off thing?
  10. I’m assuming they had to do a T-38 spin up course? Were these captains?
  11. Whatever happened to those C-17 MAF to CAF guys?
  12. Would a T-38 trained heavy driver have a shot at crossflow?
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