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RegularJoe last won the day on July 2 2019

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  • Location
    MacDill AFB
  • Interests
    Golf / Flying

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Spoken like a true helo guy 😁
  2. What is this "Flare" technique that everyone keeps referring too. I say it's the grounds fault for being in the way.
  3. Now reports saying Lear 55 med-flight with 6 on board
  4. Anyone seen Den of Thief's 2?
  5. I mean how dare they line up to land on the boat they came off. Serves them right for not being Air Force. 😁🫡
  6. Agree with you and I would expand beyond that. FL SC GA NC hit by two hurricanes which are natural disasters so yes it makes sense our tax dollars go to help. The LA fire is arson, in fact in two communities they already caught people trying to start additional fires and the neighbors beat the crap out of the people trying to start the fires. So why are our tax dollars being spent via FEMA on arson and poor state management?
  7. I've never heard of declaring an emergency asking for nearest landing then later changing your mind and saying we just want to go back home.
  8. RegularJoe

    Gun Talk

    Has anyone used a linear compensator? Is it actually quieter? Do you like it vs a normal muzzle break?
  9. That's got to be a long interesting flight
  10. That's the same one that hangs out in Mark's hanger right?
  11. Seems to me like a chance to prove how "stealthy" the 35 really is.
  12. The way I heard it from Boeing when I was at Boeing was they originally submitted the 777-200 cargo for the original RFP but the USAF declined it saying it wouldn't fit in existing hanger, changed the rfp to require the same footprint and let the A300/767 battle begin. The 777-200 apparently crushed every requirement of the original RFP for fuel capacity, cargo capacity and troop transport.
  13. 50 more jets found with production issues of mis-drilled holes, Spirit taking the blame at the moment
  14. Is it split/broken forward of the wing? They landed gear up? Those are beefy gear to rip off
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