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  1. Any other unaccompanied UPT folks have any luck avoiding the dorms. Heading to my base in a couple weeks but keep getting the runaround from the housing office.
  2. I would recommend reaching out to the rated board and asking. I declined URT on a supplemental board in AFROTC and the board said they had no record of that and I was good to apply without an ETP.
  3. Anyone know how housing works at UPT. Mainly are we still required to live in dorms with the USAFA and ROTC kids or do we receive the option coming from active duty?
  4. RTNLD 10 July to Laughlin for me. No IFT or MFS needed.
  5. The PDSM states that FSSs should notify selects that they have 7 days to accept UFT selection. Will this come as an email? Has anyone received this email yet?
  6. Only upside to being stationed at Wright Patt haha Any other 2d Lts get picked up for anything? Feel like I’m the only one.
  7. Just got word here, UPT!!!! Best of luck to all still waiting for results, and congrats to the other selectees.
  8. Historically the board has never released total number of applicants.
  9. I’m still waiting too hopefully. DM me and when I get to work tomorrow I can give you the contact for the MPF at Wright Patt.
  10. No she said very specifically that they cannot give any info on the list. They just send it to the senior raters.
  11. Wright Patt here. Spoke with the MPF they distributed it. Just spoke with my senior raters exec. They have it and are sending it down the chain to respective commanders.
  12. Just spoke to the MPF at Wright Patt. The release is in and they are routing it to senior raters now.
  13. Went from horribly anxious watching the Eagles, to overjoyed, then right back to anxious for tomorrow.
  14. I really hope I don’t regret dishing out 1/5 of my salary for the year on a PPL.
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