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SNAP (1/4)



  1. While it is possible to do these types of manuevers in a transport type aircraft, not all pilots will be able to pull it off and will leave a smoking hole in the ground. Sucks for the pilot that dies, but it is criminal for the people that are riding along and get unwillingly sent to an early grave. If you want to roll an airplane, go rent an aerobatic airplane, put on a chute and have a blast. And as an FTU instructor, I will tell you that the principles that should have been learned at UPT are not always remembered. Performing acro in a T-6 or T-37 6-9 years prior does not translate very well into being able to fly aerobatics in a MC-12 or C-130 etc.
  2. I just met the pilots last Tuesday while we were in Roswell for Inst/Qual training. We talked for about 15 minutes at the FBO before we departed. Kent and Vivan were very nice guys and seemed to enjoy their job very much. Vivan made the comment that getting hired at Gulfstream was "like winning the lottery". What a tragedy.
  3. Any word on when Kadena will reach 95% capacity. I'm supposed to PCS there in December and I'm hoping I won't have to live on base.
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