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  1. Condolences. PM Sent.
  2. If you make IP on your first MAF assignment, your ticket is at least halfway written for wherever you want your career to go. Apply to any and all programs that interest you. Costs nothing to apply and you’ll get something out of the process, even if it’s just feedback on what to improve. You have to be in the AF for at least 10 years after UPT, so do what you can to influence your career. I know of my copilots made IP at his first base and is now at the 89th—you could end up there too. DM me if you want. I think you’re in a decent position to apply.
  3. I read Destiny Disrupted by Tamim Ansary back in 2017. He’s an Afghan American and gives the reader a historical account of Islam as a culture, religion, and government. Great read to understand history from a Middle Eastern/Islamic lens. The Asian Saga (6 books) by James Clavell is fantastic. Each book is collision of Europe and Asia. Starts in 1600 and goes through the 1970s. Historical fiction at its finest.
  4. Put it in the regs, then enforce them. And then shame folks if their haircut or beard looks bad. I’ll grant that the number of shaving waivers has exploded in the last decade. ”Look Amn Snuffy, you are allowed to have a beard, but you CAN’T actually grow one. So don’t.” My old guy thing might be that you used to be able to shame folks.
  5. Flyers and subterranean-dwelling-missileers get bags; let the other folks have their patches. For that matter, give everyone a piece-of-flare, colored tshirts, and beards.
  6. My dude, I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes the AF gets it right; sometimes it gets it wrong. It's that time of year again for good/bad news depending on the dude. I've linked you the big thread with lots of other advice. Long story short, you can potentially write a letter to the board next year, get passed over again, then punch early. If you're looking to go to the airlines, well, keep an eye on the news. I don't think the training and hiring pauses will last too long, but that's anyone's guess. Keep flying, keep logging PIC, if you can get an instructor spot get one. Staying in the cockpit is 1) fun, and 2) will keep your career going, whether that's AF or flying in general. You gotta keep getting hours. Anecdotally, I've seen passed over guys in AD make rank in the ARC. Not sure if that holds for every case, just seen it happen for a few folks.
  7. Sure, throw it all in on a car that’ll depreciate or wild times with your girlfriend or put it in conservative options. You can hedge your bets and put some in index funds and some in a high yield. But as a young LT you have plenty of time to park your cash money (or the bank’s cash money) in the market. If it was too risky, they’d be charging more than 2.99%. Seems like a waste to me to park the whole $25k in a high yield if you already have money in the HY account.
  8. I mean if you need a car, buy one. I was the classic LT that bought a corvette shortly before finishing USAFA; put a little over half of my loan into the Vette. The rest went into investments. The career starter loan is set up to get you on your feet—if you need wheels, get something reasonable. Or be like Biff, stories over standards, and make some wild memories!
  9. Throw it in something that’ll have a better rate of return than the high yield. Max your Roth IRA this year too. Any SP500 index should be solid.
  10. Hey man, where you’re at sucks right now but it doesn’t define you. You can’t always choose your circumstances; you can always choose your attitude. Be a great officer and leader—chin up, move past it.
  11. I went that avenue and slow rolled it. If you’re diligent, you could absolutely do it. The classes are about 8 weeks long. 2nd to last class you gather research and define your question, last class you write a 25-pager. If you already know what you want to write about, you should gather research material during the first four classes. Those first four aren’t too bad.
  12. Anybody out there with info on the E-9 Widget?
  13. It is an associate unit--Total Force Association/TF Integration, what have you. Like CaptainMorgan said, your best chance is join spouse. There are a handful of KC-135 TFA units out there, and they drop infrequently. They are also quite popular.
  14. Concur. I think the AF is trying with the base-of-preference tied to the bonus, it’s just too late—and I don’t know how well it’ll work out. I’d be intrigued by a one year bonus. I’m even intrigued by the possibility of sticking around as a free agent. But Guard/Reserve with a line number addresses the .mil flying and padding the bank account. Or so the old guys on here tell us…
  15. I know one guy in the tanker world that did a 365 a few years ago. In the last year, my squadron got 3x 180s—2 guys got stuck with them for ADSC/bonus reasons, 1 guy 7-day opted. I think it’s disingenuous to completely dog the AF and denigrate folks that stay in. Around the 10-12 year point, the AF is a comfortable, easy job with good pay and benefits. For some folks and their families, sticking around in the AF is the right and easy call. A close friend of mine said that for these guys, the bonus is an entitlement—almost a “thank you” for sticking around. I know I’m not a golden boy on the path, and I’ve known for at least a couple years I’m probably gonna split when the ADSC is up next summer. The bonus is too little, too late, with too many unknowns—where am I gonna PCS? Where will the AF TDY/deploy folks? What’s the next once-in-a-career thing I’ll experience?
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