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Sua Sponte

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Sua Sponte last won the day on January 23

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  1. AMC/CC retired. Maybe MX can paint tail flashes and tail numbers on the tail again.
  2. After viewing the body cam footage multiple times, I don’t think she threw water at him. She was boiling water and put her hands in front of her face in a crouched in a defensive position. His partner even had to convince him to render first aid to her, which he begrudgingly did after arguing that it was a head shot and she “was done.” Video footage of him in jail was released where he was joking around with other officers about how he was just going to be released on bond. This is a guy who bounced around to six law enforcement jobs since 2020. He was also kicked out the Army after two years in. This dude is a murderer and he’s either going to prison for life or he’ll be dead by the Stage 4 colon cancer he has.
  3. To be fair no military academy, or college for that matter, really ever has a “meat” shortage.
  4. This. Make no statements to anyone, especially your CC or DO.
  5. Seminole fans could probably sit out this season.
  6. Thanks man, I love it! I do wish the C8s came in manuals.
  7. Worked on the Vette today at USAFA’s Auto Hobby Shop. Saw Fat Tony’s picture hanging up in the shop and asked the mechanic if he’s met him. He rolled his eyes and said he had and that “he hates being called the Supt.” I told him. Just call him Fat Tony.
  8. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2019/11/22/ig-found-former-academy-commandant-misused-travel-had-poor-command-climate-she-will-seek-redress-for-firing/
  9. If he got an IG complaint, SAF/IG is an entity that will force him to retire if it’s substantiated. They were the ones whose report got the USAFA Commandant of Cadets (Lesbian B-2 pilot) fired a few years ago since she’s apparently retarded and doesn’t know how abuse of power and GTCs work.
  10. Matt reached out to me last year to be interviewed for my doctoral dissertation. He worked about 10 minutes away from where I live in Colorado and I met him at his office. Super nice dude, great insight for my research. Him Him 🥃
  11. The 11-202 V3 and MDS V3 series literally tells someone what they can’t and can’t do. The 11-202 V2 and MDS V2 literally tells someone how they’ll be evaluated. If someone is too stupid to not understand what they can and can’t do, maybe they don’t need to be flying. In my experience of giving checkrides for over a decade the flyers that wanted to argue the most about they deemed queep were the ones who’s FEF looked like a mess with Q-3s and downgrades.
  12. Is a chip indicator on an Osprey a "land as soon as practical" or AC's discretion during a training mission?
  13. Death would probably be welcomed by him since he's already spent 21 years at GTMO and now will spend an eternity there. Him being confined for life is more torturous, which is a good thing considering what he did.
  14. 100% The wedding ring stuff was just going to be another U area on the Form 8 since the rest of the flight was the reason I handed out the Q-2/Q-3. In the MAF world Q-2s are very rare. One is either Q-1, Q-3/1, or Q-3'd.
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