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Sua Sponte

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Everything posted by Sua Sponte

  1. Oh well. You don’t think that doesn’t happen in the civilian world? Ask all the medical folks who lost their jobs due not getting the vaccination. Sue the Feds? Good luck, hope you have monetary means to do so. Go ahead and leave. I think a lot of people have a humbling experience when they leave the military because their delusions of grandeur of their “worth” isn’t as high to potential employers as they thought.
  2. With at-will you could actually give two weeks notice and your employer could escort you out that day.
  3. That’s the equivalent of being “made” in a Mob family. Untouchable.
  4. They probably saw your AFRC patch and knew saying anything would be a lost cause.
  5. It’s almost like people skew data to confirm their confirmation bias. Almost…
  6. I flew on B45 in 2015 in its infancy. Was there a software update that made it start being crazy?
  7. By high paying company, you mean the bullshit consulting LLC they’ll make themselves CEO? Sure.
  8. Notice how I said “companies” and not “airline.”
  9. I enjoy seeing people like that on “blacklists” companies have when they get out and assume they’re a shoe-in to be hired.
  10. When did Alex Jones make a username on Baseops?
  11. Weird, plenty of people blame Obama for the 2008 economy even though he was sworn in back in 2009. So, the housing bubble was Bush Jr’s fault?
  12. The old Guard unit there used to fly -135s until 2008. https://www.niagara.afrc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1074910/niagara-welcomes-back-familiar-sight/
  13. Won’t be an issue in a few years anyway.
  14. Your primary mission is to aerial refuel aircraft and you’re telling someone who wants their aircraft to be aerial refueled to find someone else to do it? Stunning business model.
  15. Probably like the flu, periodic booster shots.
  16. They went to fly the Mach Loop and ended up at Peter O’Knight.
  17. Gotta keep the 509th employed with whatever they do.
  18. He was a FAIP, flew Eagles, then does Space. What happened there?
  19. Not really, you’re either Civil Service/NAF or you’re a contractor.
  20. KC-46s are RNP, RNP (AR), LNAV or LNAV/VNAV minima. Restriction being LPV minima and/or approaches using military GPS only are not authorized.
  21. Sweet, just in time for the boneyard.
  22. Been eight years...to them! 🍺🍺🍺
  23. Correct, because I quoted him. I however never said he was impeached for collusion with Russia.
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