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Sua Sponte

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Everything posted by Sua Sponte

  1. So, it's never been done on that scale, but instead of trying it to get data points to see if it works or not, they shouldn't do it? Yet the states that offer it (including the one I'm in and have done the past three years), have had success with it. Interesting thought process. How about explaining to the retards in Florida how voting works so they aren't the cause of another SCOTUS ruling during another presidential election.
  2. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/494189-lets-put-the-vote-by-mail-fraud-myth-to-rest Out of the millions of ballots cast since 2000, Oregon has had 15 cases of voting fraud in 20 years using mail-in voting.
  3. As soon as someone explains where this rampant voter fraud the orange one rants about is coming from.
  4. Of course he’s not your boy, now. Doesn’t fit your narrative. Go back to your echo chamber. Uh, the Feds don’t come to your door with one agent and ask you to come out nicely.
  5. Except your boy never did a perp walk or do time in prison.
  6. I went to Lackland too. When I went back for NCOA I saw two TIs who were still there from when I was in BMT, nine years later.
  7. His problem was that he wasn’t friends with the President.
  8. Enlisted PME is garbage. A bunch of people whining about that one shitty supervisor they had. If you’re a TSgt and still don’t have a clue how to supervise someone or give a briefing , find a new line of work. A lot of that is related to the instructors that have lost touch with the real USAF hiding out in PME world for eons, though I heard it’s harder now to do that. The Commandant of the NCOA I went to had been a PME instructor for 15 years.
  9. Stan Eval is a Sq/CC program. Why would anyone outside of the Sq give a shit what grade someone received? That stuff is briefed at SEB’s or whatever they’re called now for everyone to see. To OP checkride grades are subjective. I had a Sq/CC when I was in the -135 FTU give someone four commendables and four downgrades. Still got a Q-1, but I would’ve called it a day with that and just debriefed it without annotation. I’ve received EQ’s in my career where I just did my job that day and have had Q-1s where everything that could’ve gone wrong, did, and I worked through it but the evaluator just assumed I did my job.
  10. Some tankers do a mission that forces one to spend a lot of time in the vault.
  11. Enlisted are some of the biggest back stabbing politicians out there. I thought it was just the non-flying job I had for five years, but it was even worse when I became a flyer.
  12. I never thought this would happen, but I agree with Brick. Just because the Obama Administration determined capturing al-Awlaki “infeasible” doesn’t negate his right to due process as an American citizen. This looks especially bad since the U.S. has suspected terrorists, who aren’t U.S. Citizens, in GITMO since 2001 we’re currently trying to give due process to. A U.S. Citizen doesn’t lose their Constitutional rights just because they’re hard to capture and bring to trial. “It is during our most challenging and uncertain moments that our Nation’s commitment to due process is most severely tested; and it is in those times that we must preserve our commitment at home to the principles for which we fight abroad.” - Justice O’Connor
  13. So, I guess stay in Iraq forever to prevent ISIS or whomever from taking over?
  14. Rule of thumb, when you start a sentence with "rule of thumb," that's usually an opinion that no one really asked for to begin with. So, they're still people opining what they believe, albeit one that will shape legal precedence. Copy, an opinion. You find it interesting that a lawyer would represent someone and/or an organization where they wouldn't personally agree with the legal strategy?
  15. Yeah, that's sorta how interpreting the law works. If you're wondering, an "opinion" is what the SCOTUS and every other court in the U.S. issues too. And I know for a fact you didn't read the article because the law professor doing the analysis agreed with you. The Trump Administration has let it be known that they interpreted the AMUF more broadly than previous administrations.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Airlift_Capability
  17. Isn't there a C-17 unit as well?
  18. Very interesting analysis on the topic. https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5571&context=flr
  19. Politics is so explosive right now because both sides would rather yell into their respective echo chambers with their tribalism and throw insults to the opposing side. This is fueled by the media craving of ratings spinning a story to conform to their narrative.
  20. Can't respond with a debate, so you'll use memes. How very Gen-Z of you.
  21. And what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China? Your knack for strawmans, whataboutisms, and turning any topic into a something about the Clinton's is astounding.
  22. One drunk driver is a problem. But if you say there's a drunk driving problem, but the data doesn't support your claim, you either look like a liar, stupid, or both.
  23. People look like dorks wearing full-sized wings with mini medals in mess dress.
  24. Fundamentally, no, there isn't a difference since the voter isn't physically in a voting booth to vote. Oregon has been using mail-in voting since 1998 and in 2000 was the first state to have 100% mail-in voting for the presidential election. A GOP think tank, the Heritage Foundation data showed as of 2020, Oregon has cast 15,476,519 votes since 2000. During that time 14 fraudulent votes were attempted by mail. Voter fraud could also be considered a convicted felon trying to vote. This is another unsubstantiated claim by Trump trying to rile up his base about a "rampant problem" that doesn't exist. I voted this year in Washington via mail, just like last year. Had no issues. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/06/02/low-rates-of-fraud-in-vote-by-mail-states-show-the-benefits-outweigh-the-risks/
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