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Sua Sponte

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Everything posted by Sua Sponte

  1. Less flexible to utilize as well.
  2. Then get married and have kids 😂
  3. Whoops https://www.ktvu.com/news/2-bay-area-pilots-indicted-on-charges-of-lying-on-medical-forms
  4. What a petty douche. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-rejected-plans-for-a-white-house-statement-praising-mccain/2018/08/26/0d0478e4-a967-11e8-8f4b-aee063e14538_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d0640e38b3dd
  5. A lot of IMA's work in TACC on the floor. A few of my friends enjoyed it, no flying.
  6. Innocent till proven guilty, huh?
  7. Bullshit. I've seen a person Art 15'd for a questionable GTC expense from 2-3 years previous. Commanders have the ability to pull audits of anyone's GTC at anytime. I mean, a majority of them are more focused on that stuff than actual flying, so that makes sense.
  8. Does he know you?
  9. No, they’re too busy watching Fox News about that illegal killing that college girl and trying to craft a response somehow using Benghazi and emails at home. I wonder what the Hannity/Trump daily phone call tone was after the verdict and plead were announced... A Marine Reservist Rep. Duncan Hunter from california and his wife we’re indicted yesterday for campaign fund misuse.
  10. All ISIS has to follow them on social media to see all their selfies in the cargo compartment with NVG’s on.
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