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Everything posted by Uptapplicant2019

  1. Well... From my talks with AGR/Reserve units I'd say your package wouldn't get you an interview. But you never know, keep submitting if that's your goal. Your best bet might be commissioning active duty and trying your luck at getting a pilot OTS slot.
  2. I think you're competitive for the AD board, but definitely hit your 11 hour mark so you aren't leaving easy points off the table. I'll throw some advise at you though as my buddy is a C17 driver married to an AD nurse... Make sure you both fully understand what you're signing up for, especially with a baby on the way. My bro just PCSd and his wife was unable to accompany him and it really is stressing their marriage, so definitely make sure you both talk those things through before taking the plunge. Double AD can be rough.
  3. Near identical scores to mine and same age... I have a package in for the active duty board and also an interview for a heavy squadron. They told me the AFRC average pcsm has historically been 82 but they've sent people in the 70's often. Good luck to ya, hopefully I'll see you at upt
  4. Great insight, I guess I'll need to do some soul searching on that. For me the biggest draw for AD is the adventure factor. More opportunities to get in the thick of things. But I also have a wife and kid and the moving around is hard for everyone. Damn life altering choices!
  5. I've submitted my application to AD Upt board (I'm a newly minted Capt) already, but today an AFRC Col I didn't know kidnapped me after a meeting and told me he heard I was applying for the AD board and I "must" apply for the AFRC flying unit at my base. I hadn't thought much about going reserves to fly, but he made a pretty damn good argument for it. I have a competitive package with good scores and no waivers. Any wise Greybeard advice on this? I don't have enough flight experience to know what I want to fly, but I love the mission and figured being in a cockpit is the best way to go.
  6. I called the folks at AFPC and he said they were asked by Air Staff to slide the deadline to the right to hopefully give some extra time for additional applicants to submit packages. My takeaway from that is the air force need pilots (gasp) and hopefully they are ready to make it rain pilot slots.
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