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Everything posted by Dustoff!

  1. @JustHangingOut awesome to hear this!!
  2. Unlisted? Boooo. 😂 Ok, ok mine is listed, but its not like I made the title a super obvious "UPT" title. I did like someone else ( @Seadogs ??) and searched around to see what others have done. Pretty awesomely awkward 👍
  3. Dang that’s a damn good question. But first some detail, are u going active to active? You would need to look at a couple documents. Check out AFIs 36-2005&2105 I believe your answer lies there. Like u said tho... scores are still a discriminating factor for competition. If u search a little there is a breakdown of each AFOQT category & what sections affect each. I used that as a guide to max the pilot & Nav sections. I had 5 days to study so I focused my time/energy to those. It did show on my Q score, b/c I had not prepared for a subsection as it didn’t affect Pilot/Nav. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  4. Both have sent invites... Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  5. Anyone post a link to that memo yet? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  6. @Deuce362Yeah man, nothing yet. They are still figuring out if they will have a combined board with the 78th or not. I'll let you know if I hear anything from them about timeline next weekend.
  7. Congrats @FDNYOldGuy You definitely lifted my spirits. I'll send you a PM, but like you been lurking for some time. Your post made me need to say something tho!!
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