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Everything posted by jyang1659

  1. I would like to be entered. Thanks so much for doing this!
  2. Any updated news from anyone in the know on the hiring climate at JBLM?
  3. Just curious- whats the story with McDill? Why no call back there?
  4. We're the same age, nearly the same pilot score (i got a 96) and nearly the same PCSM relative to hours completed (at 27 hours, i'll be a 77). From what I've been reading on this site and others, you're in the game for a pilot slot. I'm not 100% sure about the fighter part but if you'd be happy flying heavies then definitely keep pressing forward! I'm going for heavies in the reserves/ANG and everyone i've talked to has been pretty optimistic.
  5. I don’t know about AFOQT scores but I know the lowest PCSM score hired last year was 20, and that was out of 84 selects (for AD).
  6. This is all very helpful. Thank you all very much!
  7. I want to get PRK done no matter what. If I am not selected, having had PRK done will remain a positive. As of today I have scheduled my PRK about a month from now. But, lets say I choose to wait on the surgery. Will hiring boards see that I require PRK?
  8. Question pertaining to the timing of PRK itself in relation to the application process. I am going to be applying to ANG/Reserve squadrons as soon as I have finished my TBAS this Friday. I do require PRK and have been cleared by my recruiter and a local surgery center to proceed. The problem is getting time off of work to do the surgery and heal up enough to go back to work (I am a forklift operator). I guess my question is this: should I get the surgery done ASAP? or can I wait until after I have been picked up by a squadron (in the even that that even happens)? Potential notes of interest: I have not gone to MEPS, I have also not gone to do my FCI physical. I am 28 years old.
  9. Edit 1: to reflect PCSM score after taking TBAS Edit 2: to reflect updated flight hours and subsequent PCSM increase; age increase; context updated Hello, I am a civilian with no prior service looking to fly any heavy airframe I can get my hands on. I am 29 years old. I intend to apply to ANG and Reserve squadrons. I hold a BA and MA in a non-tech non-stem field BA GPA: 3.389 MA GPA: 3.62 AFOQT (1 attempt): P96/N99/AA92/V99/Q70 TBAS 81 with 42 flight hours- PPL to be completed soon PCSM increase with additional flight hours: 6-10 = 69 11-20 = 73 21-40 = 77 41-60 = 81 61-80 = 85 81-100 = 89 101-200 = 93 201+ = 96 I have submitted two ANG applications. Both application suspense dates were June 15 but I submitted my applications around the end of May. The interviews are sometime in Sept (if I am lucky enough to get an interview). I know this answer will vary from unit to unit but does anyone have a guess as to when I can expect to hear back from these units? And do most units contact you to tell you yes/no for the interviews or just yes? Thank you to any and all who took the time to read and provide input. I am grateful!
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