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Hawg Rider Vipgle Driver

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Hmm really? I've been told I'm pretty competitive with my scores. No need for AD since I prefer the ANG life style. What's Buckley?
  2. To whom it may concern: I am requesting the feedback of my package from the peanut gallery. I am dead set on fighters at this point, no one has been able to change my mind. Here are my scores: Age: 23 College: Phoenix University Major: History GPA: 2.16 P74 N98 AA21 V17 Q25 PCSM: 28 Flight Certificates: PPL w/ 102 hours I am currently working at Home Depot as a loadmaster. Making hella good money, but I'm dead set on chasing the dream for fighters now. I've already taken the AFOQT 3 times, and the TBAS 2 times, these were my best scores. I've heard worst have gotten fighter slots. I've been told my navigator score will really make me stand out too even though my pilot score isn't the highest it could be. How is the outlook? I've worked incredibly hard for all of this and I won't let anyone tell me no, I'll keep going until I get it. I can also go back to get a masters degree in history to raise my GPA if that is a big concern.
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