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Everything posted by XC-

  1. Thanks for the response, sent you a message with some follow up questions!
  2. Hey Guys, Looking to gather some info on an upcoming PCS. There’s a potential to go on a marine exchange. Have any of you bros done one? Looking to see if it’s a good opportunity/QOL. Any general experience is helpful, however this is a F-35 marine exchange to be specific. Thanks!
  3. Maybe there’s already a thread on here that someone can point me to, but those who left for the airlines/other jobs…do you regret leaving?
  4. Nickel on the grass 🍺
  5. Dude I sucked in T-6s. in 38s something clicked and i started to shine. Don’t worry about hooking a few rides...the checkride is what matters for the most part. One thing that helped me is I read on here somewhere you should be able to fly your entire mission without looking at your IFG or any notes with a few exceptions. Also, don’t chairfly a perfect sortie. Chairfly with a friend and have him throw breakouts, go arounds, medevac procedures, when not to do the break turn...etc. If you always chairfly contingencies they will never surprise you when they happen.
  6. Here's a toast 🍺
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