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Everything posted by Swiss

  1. Question of the year. lol I have asked a handful of people in the circuit, and only one has heard back— from the Wing's Recruiting and Retention staff who needed to clarify a form entry. Other than that, nothing but white noise.
  2. Dang, unique indeed, and well-deserved also.
  3. That's the issue keeping me up at night-- I don't want to give up on the prospect of going fighters, even if it's only a tiny glimmer of hope shining through an abyss. I'd almost rather go the next five years rushing units, and prove to whoever is on the other end of the table that I never gave up on the dream of fighters, rather than take a heavy unit tomorrow, simply because it's the safer option... Simultaneously, I don't want my pride and partiality getting in the way of my ultimate goal. It's quite a conundrum. lol I'm giving myself a bit more time, but rest assured I'm also thinking about a proposed deadline (beyond just age), to get the ball rolling on rushing some heavy units. Thanks for your input, Brabus!
  4. Thanks for the feedback (and the well-wishes)! I'm knee-deep in correspondences with multiple members, and recruiters, in the units I'd like to rush. I'm hoping that a good rapport, and knock-out interview skills can get the unit leadership to see past my AFOQT.
  5. Hello all, Long time lurker; first time poster-- Open to any feedback, recommendations, critiques, etc... Becoming a fighter pilot, and officer, for the United States Armed Forces has been a lifelong goal for me. However, lack of citizenship and money made it difficult for me to afford any type of flight training throughout high school, and left me short on the prospects of doing college and any sort of ROTC back in 2010. As a result, I opted to earn my citizenship by enlisting as Active Duty Navy, and trying to earn a commission through one of the handful of Enlisted-to-O programs. I went in as an Aviation Machinist Mate, and managed to get stationed with an F-18C squadron, where I honed my skills as a mechanic on Power-Plants and Fuel Systems. After multiple rejections from the Naval Academy (Low SAT Math Scores), and no spots available for Pilot hopefuls through STA-21-- I chose to forge my own path, and separated as an E-5 with an Honorable Discharge in 2015. Since then, I have been making full use of my GI-Bill, and am preparing to graduate this spring. Current Age: 27 soon to be 28 Military Career Highlights: - E-1 to E-5 in 2 years (it's amazing what a little bit of hard work and studying can do for your career) - EP's and MP's on every Evaluation Cycle - 2 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, for work performed while deployed in support of OEF - Collateral Duty Inspector (CDI) and Low Power Turn Qualified - "Double Qual'd" in Aviation Warfare and Surface Warfare Specialties - Excellent/Outstanding Scores on every PRT Cycle AFOQT/TBAS: Pilot: 84 Nav: 68 AcAp: 62 Verbal: 80 Quantitative: 46 PCSM: 93 Flight Experience & Ratings: Commercial Multi-Engine; Instrument Rated w/ ~205 Hours Logged Actively Working on Commercial Single Engine Add-on and CFI. Education (Double Major): Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Science GPA: 3.4 quick note - I ended up acing my calculus classes the last couple of years, and proved to myself that SAT Math wasn't anythang but a chicken wang. (lol) Current Employment/Career: I have been working for a DoD Contractor (with Security Clearance and all), as an Engineering Co-Op/Intern, since 2016. Predominantly part-time throughout the school year; full-time during the summers. Employer has already extended me a full-time offer; contingent upon my graduation. LOR's 1. Navy CDR - Fighter Squadron Commanding Officer and previous Maintenance Officer in my squadron 2. Navy LCDR - Fighter Squadron Department Head and previous Division Officer in my squadron 3. Navy CAPT (Ret.) - University Professor/Advisor and Post-Graduate Studies Admissions Chair at my University 4. ATP Rated Civilian - CFI Instructor and Professor/Advisor at my University So.. Give it to me straight, doc(s).
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