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  1. Sorry I haven't been on here in a bit. No word on Oct dates yet. reasoning is my stuff is still at NGB, they say. Going to check back in next drill, but here's hoping we make it into one of the October classes.
  2. I am non-prior. That all makes sense, figured it wouldn't work out but wanted to check! Also will check on that title 5 thing just in case. thanks guys.
  3. Not sure if this is possible but wanted to see if anyone knew- I was hired by an ANG squadron a little over a year ago. FC1 and all of that has been done for some time and was expecting April 1 OTS, then expected July 30 when I didn't get April, and haven't received anything on that. The next dates aren't til October. I would request orders to go work full time at my hiring unit until training, but I currently live in another state, and also have a lease until October, as well as an SO who can't yet leave her job. So my question is- would it be possible for me as an E3 awaiting OTS and UPT dates, to try to get orders/work at the AF Reserve airlift base in my current city? Or are there blocks on that since I am a member of another state's ANG? Hope I framed this right. thanks!
  4. If you are just visiting on a drill weekend or some other time, pants, button down or polo tucked in, and nice shoes (chukka boots or something similar). If you're attending an open house or something and it states business/business casual, I'd probably go with nicer pants, dress shoes (oxfords) and a nicer dress shirt tucked in.
  5. lucky38

    IFT deadline?

    I got hired by a guard unit a few months back, and just went through my FC1. I am still working on finishing my PPL. It's tough with budget and job schedule, but I'd like to finish so I don't have to go to IFT. Does anyone know if there is a cutoff time between not having your PPL and whoever signs you up (unit, NGB, other?) to go to IFT? For example, if you don't finish your PPL within 30 days of your OTS dates, you have to attend IFT. Or something like that. Thanks
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