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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. I am willing to concede the title for challenging the adage of “any landing you can walk away from…”
  2. Yes: join the Navy
  3. Aside from the DCA discussion: the list of airfields that a certain carrier accepts this modified landing data risk at keeps growing, based purely on business factors as they fly 737 size airplanes into airports where they don’t have enough RJ size airframes to serve, apparently. What could go wrong?
  4. If you don’t look for the outcome you don’t want, it’s a lot harder to find it.
  5. Don’t forget American’s large order for Max 8, and they didn’t volunteer for more training by equipping it with modern features such as the EICAS it already has screens (and all the computer data behind the scenes) for.
  6. Guess they wouldn’t know it’s a dicky until they check your socks.
  7. I can’t recall, I lost mine on a fishing trip to the Gulf of Buccees.
  8. As it should be. all that Army shit.
  9. Actually, he doesn’t think we need pilots because everything can be done with autonomous drones and therefore pilot production can be zero by cancelling the program altogether, so you don’t even need the /s there. Boom, money saved.
  10. I got it, sounds like a CH problem!
  11. My company has changed major checklists and procedures four times in the last year with no sim training - just some memo with no real explanation of expectations- so based on that unless the FAA mandates it, I doubt it.
  12. Finally. I always wanted to know what happens when I don’t pick out the three flags for Francis who talked about living abroad and had financial troubles.
  13. I think Rat fits right into the rotted corporate culture there.
  14. I stole this from the interwebs.
  15. Don’t you put that evil on Greenland, Ricky Bobby.
  16. What if he’s falling on his uniform obsession sword to get fired?
  17. Airliners are not to my knowledge flying with ipads that have ADSB In, at least not at one large legacy airline, so I fail to see how having ES on the Blackhawk would have helped in this instance. Edit: they’re also likely to be viewing the plate for the charted visual they were cleared and not an ipad moving map anyway (since TCAS is on their sit display), and then nuggets outside for the visual circle. But I digress.
  18. These articles about the Blackhawk not transmitting ADS-B (as if it didn’t have a transponder at all) are just click-bait for people who don’t understand that Mode C still exists as it did for years, and provides all the relevant squawk information for this scenario. Also there’s a 99.6% chance that anyone writing these articles (or having the conversation at the congressional level) could not tell you the difference between Mode S, ES, 1090, and 978 UAT. What GA sees on an ADSB In display would have been a glove save, potentially, but should be a separate discussion from the doom scrolling “Blackhawk wasn’t transmitting omg fr fr” bullshit.
  19. No, no, I’d like to try nation building in another desert wasteland.
  20. AETC: focus on GPS things, prepare for advanced avionics. Also AETC: we are decertifying your GPS. That was the last T-6 debacle I was aware of, equally confusing we couldn’t get it together enough to update the GPS when they stopped supporting updates to the KLN-69. It
  21. Brutal. We couldn’t even maintain these for 20 years?
  22. Hah, those bores I can put up with. My only two are no-personal-skill clowns swept in with the 2021-2023 hiring boom. I wonder who the company actually turned away.
  23. His biggest debate when getting his will written was whether to involve the Guinness Book of World Records or Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
  24. That’s the thing, Biff. Having to go through life espousing a platform like men believing they’re women being a totally normal thing is a war zone, haven’t you heard? All those C Model guys have been at war this whole time, we just didn’t hear their story.
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