ACC A3 said that soon (relative, because it has been said for years) when they reach the 10 crews per cap, that cross flow boards will open up and the ops sqs will start to get much-needed CT lines. The caveat is that the rate of returns to airframes (anyone not out of UPT) is not guaranteed to be very high. The "non-competitive" boards will consider the dude's potential for leadership growth in the UAV community versus in their respective airframe. If you're a Pred superstar, it sounded like they would keep you around to keep experience and leadership in the UAVs. However, he said slacking off won't help your case either. If they deem it will not benefit you to return to your airframe from a career perspective, you are also screwed. Personal preference was stated to be a consideration, but that remains to be seen.
Almost everyone. He also mentioned that Creech WG/CC has the option to keep anyone he wants if it is someone they think will be good for the UAV community (see above), but it should be a fairly high percentage. Everyone also has the option to stay...