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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. nsplayr, you used a phrasing I’ve commonly heard: that Bernie didn’t expand his coalition (similar to some media articles that he didn’t shift to attract wider coalition) He’s genuinely not interested in moving his platform to what the electorate wants. He thinks the electorate should flex to his platform. And that’s a fatal flaw.
  2. And then Angela Merkel said “70% of the country could be infected.” First off, if we’re just throwing out hypotheticals, make it more farcical, 10% rule it. Second, as the leader of a country that’s pretty irresponsible to say with roughly no basis.
  3. Maybe...but is he going to hold the frozen middle accountable? Seems like each recent CSAF has great background/ideas, but the same difficulty executing because of the bureaucracy in between.
  4. Are you under the impression that current IR missiles don’t already visually distinguish flares from airplane silhouettes?
  5. There's a certain amount you don't want your enemy to know what you know, because then they counter your counter. However... ^There's also this angle.
  6. True, quite the task to change the entire culture of a place, especially when the literacy rate is so low. Trying to use the military as a nation building force was always questionable at best, and not sure we ever had an end state in mind, past fall 2011.
  7. In August 2001 there were, which is probably what he’s on about.
  8. Of course, makes sense in bizarro world.
  9. Except AFPC
  10. Someone figure out who the authority is so I can request it next time I’m doing a low approach. I’ll just hold while that gets staffed.
  11. The general idea of a drone, maybe, but MALD itself is smaller than an AMRAAM.
  12. MALD can’t employ weapons (which I assume is the natural progression of this concept).
  13. There are some great options out there, and it turns out that flying VFR from a NTA does not make the airplane magically fall out of the sky like AF regs lead you to believe.
  14. Strangely enough, after fielding a system with flaws where only a human could have stopped the catastrophe...Boeing concluded it should INCREASE automation. This was pre CEO change, though, so maybe they have adjusted the outlook.
  15. Check 11-401 Chapter 2. It’s a little convoluted, but they accrue while in a flying billet of some sort, and if you fly at least every fourth month. There are a bunch of tables (API for ofda “gates”), but Paragraph 2.5 starts talking about it. The ASC tables and graphs are for flight pay.
  16. It has to do with the API codes in the SARM reg, but gate months accrue until the fourth month after your last flight if I recall correctly as long as you are still in a correctly coded billet. I’ll take a second look. Edit: if the question was flight pay, that should not stop as long as your physical is current
  17. Alternatively, experience could lead one to conclude that with so little conclusive information during a time while our people can look up at their puck board and go, "I don't know if this bro is still alive," these aren't good conversations. Without further info, you can't have a productive conversation with respect to increasing aviation safety. There is no definite thing you could point to as your dudes step out the door from what we know of the incident to refocus their crosscheck to increase their chance of success. We just know that we've lost two of our own under unknown conditions.
  18. Third, he made a $2 fine-able statement to say that he doesn’t trust the Taliban. No one here trusts the Taliban. ETA here
  19. No, you’re fucking speculating. Stop quibbling.
  20. First, they haven’t released the names yet so there are probably plenty of people here with a vested interest in the form of friends over there. Second, I don’t give a shit if civilians are armchair QBing this. When NOK notifications are still going is probably not a great time to throw out random bullshit. You want to look at Twitter and draw your own conclusions? Go for it. You’re probably a semi-educated individual and can figure stuff out.
  21. Aviation accidents happen, and it’s probably inappropriate to wildly speculate.
  22. You missed a big step in that “impossible” cockpit environment: flipping the runaway stab trim switch. It’s an emergency procedure that pilots should be ready for at any moment and would stop MCAS from the ability to trim further. And in the Boeing system, once you flip it off you NEVER turn it back on. All the design changes were not great, single AoA sensor not great, but that’s a critical response you train to do in less than 3 seconds. Nope, it wasn’t in an extended manual T.O., still a foul, but I understand why they thought the corrective action could be done in 3 seconds. Because it’s the same corrective action already trained to for runaway stab trim.
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