You have two arguments going back on your politics, capabilities post: 1) We could have done Libya with only the F-22, and 2) Replace TLAMs with F-22 to enhance SA.
Regarding: 1) After about the first week, once the big ticket items were gone, most of the "actions to protect civilians from attack or the threat of attack" targeting was done with ISR (or NTISR) looking at an area and figuring out which people were shooting at civilians, then taking them out. 90% of the targets NATO hit were tanks, artillery, and small AAA. I don't understand how the F-22 could have done that on its own. I think that part lends itself to having a TGP, or getting a target from someone who does.
2) I can see the benefit in that, but the cost of moving them out there and flying them might still be more than lobbing in some TLAMs. Maybe not.