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Everything posted by ucf_motorcycle

  1. Does anyone have recommendations on companies that help Veterans increase their VA disability percentage. I know there are a few out there but I’d like to go to one that someone can recommend. So far I’ve looked into: Ree Medical DBQreview and before someone mentions that I can just do it on my own. Yes I know but it took two years and hours of phone calls just to get the VA to schedule a hearing test for me so if I can avoid that hassle and even get an additional 10% it will be worth the fee of what these places are charging. I just want to be sure they aren’t a scam.
  2. Where can I find more info on delaying my DOS? I may be interested in this as my approval for VSP caught me a bit off guard.
  3. 06 11S approved about 3.5 yrs left on UPT ADSC Just checked my email from downrange. Now I got to find another job in 4 months.... Has anyone asked about pushing back the DOS since these approvals got delayed so much?
  4. Has anyone seen the deadline if you want to apply for VSP? Looks like the separation date would be in september but when to you have to apply by?
  5. Has anyone seen any dates/deadlines for applying for VSP? I'll be going on leave till the mid month and don't want to miss my chance in case I decide to put in for it.
  6. This all so confusing. I am thinking of applying for VSP but don't want to get denied and then be labeled as the "non-team player". What have you guys seen about this in the past? I'm an 11S by the way with <3 years on my commitment. I wouldn't get out if they weren't offering to pay but that extra bump kinda pushes me over the edge.
  7. This isn't about my opportunities to take leave on the weekends. Its about the possibility of me selling it. It seems that enlisted can sell it any time they reenlist but this is not an option for officers so I wonder if it is even possible.
  8. No proof. Because I would have to buy tickets further out than 30 days so I don't do it unless I get approved for the leave.
  9. Leaveweb only lets you input leave 30 days out. I have on multiple occasions wanted to take trips that were further out than that when I find good deals for example skiing In Feb and when I ask if I can take it then I get told no. I can usually take a few days here and there local leave but when I want to go out of town and plan a vacation on specific dates it never seems to work out in my favor.
  10. I get stonewalled whenever I try to take leave and being deployed or TDY over 250 days a year doesn't leave me much time to take leave. I rather sell it than lose it. But this was what I was told per the AFI: "upon reenlistment, retirement, separation under honorable conditions, or death." So I guess I can't do it unless I seperate which won't be for a while. Unless someone knows of an exception. Seems like their should be an exception for officer since we never reenilist.
  11. I have heard conflicting information and wanted to get some info before I go ask finance their opinion. Basically I heard an officer can sell leave one time in their career, but I have also heard that you can only sell it if you are separating or retiring. If it is possible to sell leave, could I sell it while on a deployment and avoid the taxes? I will have about 100 days accrued by the next fiscal year so it seems like a good option for me.
  12. TUI is not the great deal it used to be. They upped the tuition rate, so its $200 out of pocket for each class on top of TA. Also the coursework is more closely monitored than it was before, you actually have to do some work to get the BS degree. I am 2 classes from finishing it, started before this change and I would not recommend it anymore.
  13. For the guys actually flying U2s is this a good assingment if you want to fly for your career and avoid queep or is it just like any other MWS?
  14. Well the current class has a grader who is doing his job thats why. Also the coursework has become more time consuming then it used to be in my previous classes. I obviously can't be certain that other classes are the same but can only give my personal experience. If you don't like it don't read it. Obviously it is of interest to many people, that is why I started the thread.
  15. BS= bovine excrement What I am saying is I think things have changed with the institution very recently. The fact that people were submitting corrupt files and receiving A's for them I do not deny but, atleast in the current class I am in, that would not work now. The reason I say that the TUI degree is BS is because of their reputation. But now they are making it cost money out of pocket and require more work and time to get the same BS degree. Its just a bad deal now.
  16. I don't know if things have changed at TUI recently but I don't think you can get away with getting an A for sending a corrupt file. I send papers that are well written but get marked down for missing very minor details in the assingment. So I know they are reading it carefully. I spend enough time on the coursework that I can't possibly take more than one class at a time, which I considered since the rates have gone up. I would love to just knock out the 4 classes I have left right before the rate goes up but I really can't dedicate all my time (which is what it would take) to this BS degree.
  17. I am cheap....but since I am half way through the program I will have to finish it as its a pain to try and get classes transfered to another school. I would not sign up for TUI now and pay out of pocket. I feel cheated as I was lured in to their flexible program with no out of pocket fees. It seems also that since their accreditation issues the course work is getting more time consuming too. Not worth it anymore.
  18. Got an email today saying that the new military rate for TUI is $300 per credit hour. Tuition assistance is only paying $250. Anyone think that the Tuition Assistance is going to get increased to match their new tuition? I started TUI only because it wasn't going to cost me anything out of pocket and now being half way through I am going to be stuck paying for this POS degree.
  19. They won't insure it. I guess if your home is 2002 or newer you can still get it otherwise they won't insure you. They seem to think that a 2002 wood frame home will survive a major storm better than an older full concrete block house will:flipoff:. Makes no sense to me. I chose an older home as the construction of the newer homes in the area (no offense to anyone) is real questionable in my opinion. Typically wood frame and particle board with some brick fascia. But those homes are insurable. Go figure. I even have a home in Orlando 60 miles from the coast that they won't insure. So any bull about them insuring if you are on PCS orders is not true. The truth is they are covering their ass and could really care less about whether you are stationed in FL or not. My issue is that they cut it off because of building code. I understand standards but they should have exceptions. Its not like I live in a pile of twigs. My home is full concrete block. So when the big bad wolf comes and blows down all the new wood houses mine will still be standing. In the meantime I have reluctantly signed a policy with Citizens. I would have liked to use USAA but they seem to think my house will vaporize.
  20. Alright. I called USAA AGAIN. Now initially when I called in Dec they said they could not offer me a quote. When I asked why they said because the home is in FL. NOW when I called they said because the house was built prior to 2002. I then asked why they are using this cutoff and they said because of the building code change. THen I asked what if my was up to the new code. In which they replied they would need to have an inspection done. I said well I already have said inspection done. I am forwarding the inspection to them... lets see what happens. I then asked why wasn't I told the age of the home was the reasoning before. They couldn't give me an answer. Oh and I am Active Duty and this is my primary residence.
  21. F*##ers wont insure homes in FL anymore.
  22. I can only speak for the U-model but the H is probably very similar. But your going to get all your training done at the 19th to get mission qualed as a gunship copilot. Expect to wait for a training date but once it starts its about a 6 month program. Then you will spend 18-24 months typically as a Co before you can upgrade to AC. As far as how to get in. I dunno thats an AFPC thing. Easier when you are already in AFSOC but there are a couple AMC and ACC guys in the squadron.
  23. Your his girlfriend and he doesn't expec much except anything he wants/needs he can buy himself.
  24. Looks like everyone at Hurlburt is wearing blues mondays unless they are actually flying or can't perform there job in blues (getting dirty).
  25. This can't seriously be real.
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