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Everything posted by ucf_motorcycle

  1. Samuel Smith's Organically Produced Lager had it once and been hooked ever since. Its hard to come by but you can find it sometimes at Wholefoods and other organic supermarket type places.
  2. That videos great, but I can't find the link on youtube anyone find it? I wanted to send it to someone.
  3. Youve answered my question as well. It pretty much seems you have to make the rank prior to departing the old duty station. When the orders are actually printed doesn't matter. In my case I am screwed as I make my rank after I depart and during my TDY enroute like I mentioned in my previous post.
  4. If my orders are cut when I am an O1 but when my PCS is complete I become an O2 (during a TDY enroute). Do I get paid the O1 or O2 rate for DLA?
  5. For the class wingin 25 Jan 08 1 AC130U Hurlburt (me) 1 U28 Hurlburt There were only 2 active duty Air Force in this class. The rest were Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard. We both had good NSS scores so they offered us three options the ones listed above plus a J model to Little Rock.
  6. If you have been paying attention to the drops posted above you will see that Little Rock accounts for about 50% of the non-Spec Ops assingments. So YES getting stationed to Little Rock is possible and rather easy to get as long as you are in the top half of your class of other Air Force AD students.
  7. For the class winging on 11 Jan 1 C130 Yokota 4 C130 Dyess 3 C130 Little Rock (no J's)
  8. I was in the same flight as her in ASBC. She was pretty humble about all her experience and was embarrased about thouse websites. She was pretty sharp and was no the typical Academy kid. No offense to those who went to the academy but I'm sure most of you know what I mean.
  9. Latest Drop 1 U28 Hurlburt 1 C130 Yokota 2 C130 Little Rock 4 C130 Dyess
  10. I started pilot training with a multi engine commercial. And although it did help me with the flying skills. I think if I had to do it over again I would have saved my money. I am still paying for the 200 civilian hours of flight training that I got. It was beneficial but was not worth it. A few hours of Instrument time would probably have been sufficient. If I had to do it over again (mind you everything worked out fine, but now I am paying for it) I would have started off in a State school (took me 3 semesters to figure out I was throwing my money away at a private institution.) Got a degree that I could fall back on and found the cheapest FBO to do a couple of hours of flight training. Forget about those big aviation academies they are mostly overpriced well marketed crap holes that lure those that don't know better. Like me; I learned the hard way.
  11. Todays drop for the class winging on 30 nov. 1 AC130 Hurlburt 1 HC130 Davis Mothan 1 C130 Yokota 4 C130 Little Rock 2 C130 Dyess
  12. I tried making the speaker last night. Didn't work for me. I was trying to power it with an Ipod maybe that doesn't put enough watts into it?
  13. Todays drop. For the class winging on 9 Nov 07. 1 U28 Hurlburt 1 C130 Ramstein 1 C130 Little Rock 3 C130 Dyess
  14. Latest Corpus drop for active duty AF not sure what class but winging is this week 18 Oct: MC130W Cannon AC130U Hurlburt C12 Yokota C130 Ramstein
  15. It shouldn't be a big deal as long as your not fat. I'm 5'11" 195lb which is above the BMI chart so I get taped and I have 31" waist and its never been an issue.
  16. I have heard alot about the c-5's all going guard. Is this true? A few people in my squadron have said that they have moved all c-5's out of Dover and that they are all going guard. What about the Travis c-5s? I am about halfway through phase 2 at UPT and was hoping to be able to have the c-5 on my dreamsheet. Is it still a viable option?
  17. My track bike 2002 GSXR 600; its on ebay right now For Sale. Decided to stop track riding while I'm in UPT. Cant afford to get hurt. I also have a 2000 CBR 929RR which I ride on the street. Keeping that one.
  18. I have a hard time sleeping at night. I can fall asleep during the day with ease but that is not an option for me. I have always been very much a night person. When I take long driving trips I leave at night because I know I can drive long distance without dozing off. If I leave during the day I doze off. I excercise regularly have a good diet and feel plenty tired at night. But many nights I toss and turn for most of the night. I try to bank on as much sleep as possible during the weekend but by the end of the week I can feel the lack of sleep catching up to me. Is there anything I can take to help me fall asleep faster without making me DNIF? Ive tried melatonin in the past and it works sometimes but sometimes not. I'm not even sure if I can take that now that I am flying so I don't. I wish the AF would take advantage of people like me and give us all night sorties but I doubt that will happen. I appreciate anyones help in this matter.
  19. You can have it removed once you are in the AF by the flight doc and then have no worries.
  20. You can narrow your search parameters to vehicles within 25 or up to 500 miles away from you. I always pick up my vehicles and look them over before I buy it. Try a search of vehicles within 150 miles of your zipcode and you will be surprised how many will be there. On the other hand when I sell a car I describe it so well and with so many pictures that many times the buyer was from out of town. They still chose to come pick it up but they were confident that what was described was what they were going to get.
  21. Depends on the car really. For expensive newer cars yeah, your going to lose money but then again try to sell that car on the open market and it will take forver. Look at what older cars go for on ebay and they are much pretty close to NADA resale value. The best part about it is you will sell it at the end of the week. Its as convenient as trading in at the dealer but you get more money than a dealer would give you. Plus if you buy yours cars on ebay from the begining your not losing all that much.
  22. If you put it on ebay it will sell, you won't necessarily get top dollar for it but you will sell it. Just don't get nervous when no one bids on it, people usually bid the last hour or less. I have bought/sold several cars/motorcycles on ebay with much success. Make sure you take tons of pictures and describe everything that may be wrong with the car.
  23. I'm not a medical expert by any means. But in my opinion there is something screwy with that test and many people who have no problems with their eyesight have/had problems with that test including myself. Knowing that its not the 1st or last circle helped me actually see which circle was standing out. Previously I would stare at the first one and I could have sworn that was the one sticking out. I think that depth perception is not something to take lax as a pilot. However I think the circle test must be flawed. The only proof I have is that I failed it the first time, and I landed several planes without incident. I can also park a car, ride a motorcycle, and I can tell which objects are further or closer by looking at them. All things that would be not possible if I didn't have depth perception. The circle test as I understand it is a 1 dimensional test which tricks your eyes into thinking its a 3d image. I think that some peoples eyes are more easily tricked than others by the illusion. I don't think that this should prove whether you have depth perception or not. Show me several real objects (balls, cups, toy planes etc.) lined up at a distance and ask me which one is closer or further, thats a test no one can argue with. The only way I passed the depth perception test is by training my eyes to accept the 3d illusions by looking at those magic eye images. I always look through the magic eye book before I have to take the depth test.
  24. I'm not sure if this is Air Force wide but at Vance if you live in family housing you can keep your firearms at your house. You must still register them with Security Forces. If you live on the dorms you have to give them to the armory. I believe that this is a new policy in the past everyone had to take their guns to the armory. Check with the cops at your base, they should know the rules. Should... [ 03. November 2006, 08:16: Message edited by: ucf_motorcycle ]
  25. I'll have to check the form again to be sure, but I am pretty certain. I really am not that concerned about the ADSC just something I remebered since the topic came up.
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