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Everything posted by ucf_motorcycle

  1. Everyone knows the ADSC is 10 years after your wings. But then why did I and everyone who was with me at OTS at the time sign for 8 years? I even asked this question before I signed the paper and the MPF didn't have an answer. So I signed.
  2. I didn't do anything. I went to the recruiters office in civies he told me enjoy my break and gave me a letter that said I participated in the recruiter assistance program. He did tell me to call him now and again to make sure I was alive.
  3. You should be able to find some other posts about it by searching. I did it while on casual waiting for pilot training. You can get up to 12 days (only one weekend). It is considered a permissive TDY so you don't get to file a travel voucher. My experience with it was that it was free leave. Your best bet is to contact a recruiter that you know and see if they are willing to let you participate in it. Then you just fill out the right forms (you should be able to find the RAP form online somewhere) and get your commander and the recruiters commander to sign it. It takes some back and forth faxing but it really isn't much hassle. PLUS its free leave. I haven't really heard of anyone doing RAP before SERE. It is more of something you do soon after commissioning.
  4. Thanks helo dude.
  5. Me, myself personally? Location. However, if your in an airframe that is gone most of the time then your location mostly benefits your family not yourself. When the time comes I will look at a combination of both before filling out my dream sheet. On a side note before assingment night do you get a list of airframes and bases available? I assumed this is how it went down but I figured I would ask. Also how much time between track select, graduation and your next assingment?
  6. So moving his hobby car can't be considered in the DITY weight? I find that strange. I moved my boat with trailer and motorcycle and was paid for moving those. What if this happened to be a race car that wasn't street legal? Just curious. I thought personal property was whatever you owned and you can move up to 12,000 lbs. Now they did mention that the vehicle used for the Dity can't be considered in the weight but I figured you can move a second vehicle just like moving a boat or bike. Oh and when I said 'since TMO doesn't know' what I meant to say is since they couldn't answer Chickens question not try to trick them or anything.
  7. I wouldn't bet on it. All the active duty non priors in my class got their orders at the end of week 10. It was rather frustrating, especially since the reserve and prior service guys had their assingments before they even started UPT.
  8. If you have too many vehicles and you rent a truck to tow one of them, your not helping anything. It seems to me like you need to tow one of your vehicles with another vehicle. From what I understand is that you will get paid partial DITY for the weight of your property. If you rent a trailer then it does not count in the weight. Of course this will only work if one of your vehicles has the towing capability. I pulled my boat and had my motorcycle in the bed of my truck along with various other items packed into the truck and boat. I weighed the truck empty then weighed it loaded. Since I owned the trailer the boat sits on it was included with the weight. Since TMO has no idea I would just weigh your town vehicle and rental trailer empty and then loaded. Make sure you bring in the weight tickets when you file for your partial DITY. Also keep track of what the move costs you exactly in gas rental and tolls. You won't pay taxes on that portion of your reimbursement.
  9. Thank you for all the info on this site. I have finally finished OTS and I am reporting to Brooks tommorow for my flight physical. I am taking a flight to San Antonio and want to pack lightly to avoid checking bags. Anyone know what uniform I need to wear if any. I called billeting and they did not know. Please reply soon as I am packing now. I did a search and there was some conflicting info on it and it was dated.
  10. I think you may be talking about the same incident I heard of at the Deland airport not too far from Orlando, FL. That place is a mess. I would never jump there. The airport is a mess. The guy who flies the skydiving plane is known to cut people off in the pattern, land on the downwind end of the runway and just overall be unsafe. He calls skydivers away and you better watch out. There are close calls there all the time. They need to add a tower at that airport.
  11. That would be a nive toy to have. I wonder how does the engine have more hours than the airframe? Or is this a typo? 789 hours is very little for such an old plane.
  12. The guides he is talking about are little booklets called FAA Oral Exam Guide. Many examiners use this book verbatim for their oral exam. You should have general knowlwedge of everything outside this book of course. But if you know that booklet you will pass.
  13. The answer is YES! Wow thats the best deal I ever had on a loan. Takes alot of weight off my back as I currently have some serious debt from student loans and now the upgrades on my home which I am selling. As soon as this house sells I'll be debt free. With this loan I will be able to save tons of money from otherwise high interst loans. USAA is like santa with a gift like this. 2% APR is a gift.
  14. How can this be? 2% APR I can take out that loan put it in even a USAA CD and make money off the interest. Anyone have a link to more info about this loan? Is it just for an auto loan or what? I currently have USAA as I was a dependent. [ 02. December 2005, 15:01: Message edited by: ucf_motorcycle ]
  15. Ah no thats not what I said. Did you read that I said that? Please reread my post so that you can be clear on what I said. :rolleyes:
  16. Whats ridiculous about it? You can't fly supersonic over the US either. How would you like an extremely loud explosive sound to occur at random times during your day without warning?
  17. They won't ask you a thing. If they ask what you need the money for. Tell them living expenses. But remember you will have to pay it back and the more you borrow the faster the debt will grow through interest. There is also no way out of a student loan. Even filing for bankruptcy will not get you out of it. I know this because I borrowed alot of money so that I could do my pilot training. It got me my multi engine commercial and a 60,000 debt with 500 a month payment. Lucky for me I have had some financial success these past few years so it looks like I will be debt free by the time I start OTS. But I had to spend very carefully and it has been hard. Most of my friends called me cheap. But atleast I will be out of the hole. If you really need money for school then get the moeny for the tuition. Pay your rent food etc by getting a part time job like waiting tables. I went through college with no loans. I had a bright futures scholarship and a job. Then I made the semi mistake of taking a loan to go to flight school. Try to not take out a loan. Go to a state school and get a job.
  18. Pods has a military discount pretty good deal actually for the storage. ($161per month climate controlled) But moving the POD is big $. Just for an idea I asked how much to move it from orlando, FL to Travis AFB and it was $5,000 :eek: . Granted that is a long move. He also said that they can provide me with a ticket with the weight so that the military can reimburse me for the DITY move.
  19. I just googled it. Can't find any good information. In fact I did some searching before I asked the question. I need to get this stuff out soon so I don't excpect the military to pay now since it is 3 months before I am supposed to report to OTS. However in order for me to remodel and sell the home the furniture has got to be out of the way. I was just wondering if I stored it now would I get reimbursed for the storage while I am at OTS and UPT.
  20. Since I am selling my home before I leave for OTS I need to start storing some of my furniture while I fix up the house. I will be keeping this stuff in storage until I finish UPT. I was thinking of using a self storage place or maybe even one of those PODS. The PODS is much more $ but they will save me time in that they will move my stuff for me wherever I need it. The self storage unit is convenient in that I can get things in and out as I need but when I have to bring the stuff when I finish UPT, I will probably have to get it myself. Will there be time after UPT to get my stuff? Is there a preffered storage for military personel? How much of this storage cost will be reimbursed?
  21. Unless you have an old car or are upside down on a new car I would just sell it. Three years is a long time and in that time the vehicle will depriciate quite a bit (unless it is already very old). In my opinion sell it and buy something else three years later.
  22. I did the MSF course about 6 years ago since it is required to get a FL motorcyle license if you are under 21. I doubt I will be able to find the paperwork for it. Is there any way I an prove it? Or do I have to take it a different military MSF course?
  23. I get all my sunglasses at the dollar store. Walk in with $10 and walk out with 9 sunglasses (tax). I keep a pair under each visor of my cars. And they are scattered throughout. I lose them and break them all the time. For $1 they are rather decent and block out the glare. I used to buy more expensive glasses but those broke just as easy when you sit on them so now I buy the cheap ones which are typically ugly but do the same job.
  24. I just got picked up a few months ago for a pilot slot through OTS. It was a very long well over a year now and difficult process. If I knew I wanted to go military back when I first started college I would have gone ROTC. OTS is a risky last resort chance.
  25. I read a similar journal about the AF pilot trainee swimming also. I don't think it should be something you need to worry about as long as you know how to swim.
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