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Everything posted by Yeeyee

  1. July AFRC board results are out
  2. Till after they make selections?
  3. What happens if you got refractive surgery a few years ago, but now your vision acuity has decreased again? Can you still go to your FC1? Too many video games...
  4. Do you know the other Reserve boards for the 2021 calendar year?
  5. It would make sense for your FC1 to have to be completed in order to submit for the NGB/ Reserve Board, because what if you DQ for something during your FC1?
  6. Do you have to have your FC1 finished before you can submit?
  7. For the reserve peeps, or anyone with the knowledge, what steps are taken after your FC1 gets stamped, all the way to OTS? I do know something about a reserve board you must apply too, but I'm wondering what paperwork/timeline looks like
  8. Does anyone have a list and/or stats of the recent reserve board results? Just curious how many got selected this time around
  9. Wow that's quick
  10. Have you gone to do your FC1 yet? If so, what was the timeline?
  11. Where did you get this info from regarding the 96 AFRC slots?
  12. How long can you expect your FC1 to be scheduled after you finish MEPS? It looks like from previous posts, 4-5 months seems to be the average. Not sure if I should text my recruiter fo updates every week or so just to make sure stuff is getting done. Going the sponsored reserves route, not sure if the MEPS to FC1 process differs with the ANG.
  13. When your in-between ots and upt, are you on full time orders or can you go back to your civilian job?
  14. I'm still waiting on Hawaii, Jacksonville F15s, DC F16s, and interview results for the Long Island HH60s. Hear anything about these?
  15. Still waiting as well...
  16. Speaking of your first point, do you think it's feasible to say that less pilots are retiring from the guard and going to the airlines (due to obvious events), therefore slowing down the applicant pipeline? Basically if no one leaves the squadron, there is no need to hire new off the street hires...
  17. the dirty dale
  18. They already sent out interview results a few weeks back
  19. Has anyone gotten word of the Hawaii ANG? Last I checked the recruiters voicemail was full.
  20. Crazy quick from FC1 to OTS! Is that a normal time frame?
  21. Folks that got selected for an interview with the 106 Rescue wing (101st rescue sq.) HH60s, did you receive an email? I got the interview invite for this Wednesday June 10, and they said there would be a follow up email, but nothing yet. Also any word on the B1s out of Dyess? Apps were do mid this week
  22. If a squadron only asks for a resume (No mention of a cover letter) in their application requirements, is it common practice to still include a cover letter?
  23. Just got the call too. I applied to both the C130 and HH60 gig, looks like the interview is for the C130. Guy over the phone said HH60 interviews will be given out in a few weeks.
  24. Is the window still open for the Patrick 60s? I haven't seen a job posting from them.
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