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Everything posted by Yeeyee

  1. Thanks for the update
  2. I emailed Wisconsin about visits, no response so far. Email sent 3 weeks ago.
  3. Anyone have gouge on the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Reserves) at Keesler AFB? They fly the WC-130J. Wondering if they hire off the street for UPT. Did some research for flying opportunities and didn’t really come up with anything.
  4. Anyone else applying to the 115th Airlift Squadron in Point Mugu, CA? They fly the C130J
  5. Anyone want to proofread 2 cover letters in their precious free time? Ones for a heavy squadron, other is for a fighter. Been reading that a cover letter is practically your first impression.
  6. You are the positivity we all need
  7. Well damn! Thanks for letting me know.
  8. Do you have any leads or contact info? I'd be interested in flying the Apaches. I'm a non prior by the way.
  9. Any word on Duluth yet? Haven't heard a peep
  10. Speaking of C130 units, which are the more competitive?
  11. Active duty or army guard? I’d be interested in flying apaches
  12. Thinking about switching my airline career to aerial firefighting down the road. Are there any guard/reserve squadrons that participate in aerial firefighting? I have my radar on the C130 squadron in Reno, NV, but no clue if they do that type of flying. They are in close proximity of NorCal though.
  13. Could you copy and paste the email to my inbox?
  14. I applied and nothing thus far
  15. Should I include a DD214 in my applications, when it says I was in for only 26 days? I have mixed feelings about this because I was at Navy OCS for a month. Discharged for sitting height (able to fit in USAF aircraft though) and eyesight (got PRK-no complications). Perhaps I should attach a note with my DD214.
  16. Here are my scores, as well as my interesting background. AFOQT: 98/61/40/33/50 PCSM: 97 Flight hours: 1300 Flight Ratings: PPL, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, ATP (ERJ 170/190 type rating) Age: 22 College: 3.80 GPA, B.S. in Aviation Management, A.A.S. In Aviation Flight LORs: PPL instructor, Retired navy captain, prior Civil Air Patrol Squadron commander Volunteer work: Civil Air Patrol (Transport mission pilot, Billy Mitchell award recipient) My background: I was at Navy OCS last February with a pilot slot (SNA-Studnet naval aviator). I was there for about a month before I got discharged for 2 medical reasons. The first was eyesight due to astigmatism. I got PRK surgery March 2018 on my own dime and it’s been over a year, no complications. The other medical issue was my sitting height. I’m 6’3” with a sitting height of 39.4”. The navy has 4 aircraft pipelines; strike, E2/C2, helicopters, and Maritime. You needed to be eligible for a minimum of 2 of 4 pipelines, and my sitting height was too tall for the T45 goshawk, which canceled out the strike and E2/C2 pipelines, as well as the UH-57 which canceled out the helicopter track for me. Because I was only eligible for one pipeline (maritime) I could no longer be a student naval aviator. The base commander said I could choose any other naval officer job, such as SWO or Supply, but I decided to discharge and continue flight instructing to be a regional airline pilot, which is what I’m doing right now. I don’t know if this experience helps or hurts. It could help because it shows that I’m not giving up on becoming a military pilot, but it could hurt because I really want to serve and the interviewees might ask why I just didn’t do another naval officer job then. I plan on taking the AFOQT over again, but I will be applying with my current scores and just see where it goes.
  17. Yeeyee


    There's a YouTube video of doing the orientation test super easy using a piece of scratch. I can always ask the test proctor
  18. Yeeyee


    I’ve heard it’s been given for the TBAS. Or is that a thing of the past?
  19. Yeeyee


    Is scratch paper given to you at the test? Taking it tomorrow.
  20. Okay. That's a bummer. Thanks for the info
  21. I'm new to this, but does rated mean active duty?
  22. Do you know when the next board will possibly be?
  23. Doing some research. Has any of the F22 Guard squadrons (Virginia, Florida, Hawaii-those are all I can think of) or the B2 Guard squadron (Missouri) hired off the street in recent years?
  24. I'm also interested in the Madison FS, I live in Chicago so it's an easy 2 hour drive. Are unofficial visits allowed?
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