Non-rated here, selected for pilot on this Active Duty rated board. Does anyone have any insight on how an ETP might go for excessive refractive error? Technically, I am within waiverable limits for hyperopia/farsightedness, but only if I had no degraded stereopsis. Since my depth perception is not optimal (but also still decent and waiverable), I am DQ'd not for depth perception but for my eyeglass prescription/refractive error. I have gotten smart on how the ETP process functions, and have had my waiver already denied so I'm cleared to proceed. I'm just trying to get any insight on whether this is even a winnable fight. I am cleared for FC1A, FCII, FCIII, and GBO/ATC, just not FC1.
Thanks for any advice, I am just not certain I want to go through the process if there is no genuine chance given my "condition."