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Everything posted by AlexLM12
You should be. I do not see why not, the PT test I'll be going with will be scored with the HAMR as part of it
Non-rated here, selected for pilot on this Active Duty rated board. Does anyone have any insight on how an ETP might go for excessive refractive error? Technically, I am within waiverable limits for hyperopia/farsightedness, but only if I had no degraded stereopsis. Since my depth perception is not optimal (but also still decent and waiverable), I am DQ'd not for depth perception but for my eyeglass prescription/refractive error. I have gotten smart on how the ETP process functions, and have had my waiver already denied so I'm cleared to proceed. I'm just trying to get any insight on whether this is even a winnable fight. I am cleared for FC1A, FCII, FCIII, and GBO/ATC, just not FC1. Thanks for any advice, I am just not certain I want to go through the process if there is no genuine chance given my "condition."
Just used the EFMP trick in vMPF to find out I'm going to Columbus, if anyone else wants to try. No orders yet, but still great to know.
I mean, obviously everything matters to some degree, but I meant that reviewing the stats from the board does not tell the whole story, when some of the most competitive things went to those with scores that were not as high as others selected for different things. My scores were high like I posted, but that's not enough on its own to get in
That would be awesome, but I doubt they will provide much insight into their decision process or their algorithm. I got pilot, and am satisfied with that, but if anyone in the future comes across this board and the 215 I posted a few days ago, I'd say that scores and PCSM definitely matter (mine were almost maxed), but there was clearly some other intangibles that factored in. I know some with lower scores than me got ENJPT and I did not, so it definitely is not just the numbers. A lot of Capts, so perhaps rank factored in, and those bullets, strats, and maybe even recommendation letters definitely did.
I had considered this for the main reason of having your airframe selected before you even start UPT, plus the better lifestyle, etc. I imagine actually getting selected is so much harder though, especially for competitive airframes like fighters/AFSOC, and while everyone recommends it, they do not mention how unlikely selection actually is. It's a long process and from what I hear, they often have people in mind before they even advertise. I'd try the active duty board again, but that's just me You are from a guard unit? I appreciate you sharing that and confirming my suspicions about how hard it is to get a guard slot. I makes me feel ALOT better about staying Active Duty and going to the board lol. How did you get your slot do you feel?
Yep, just got it today. Feb 16th. You?
From my Career Field Manager, I heard March to find out dates, with PCSing "in the fall" for pilot, and March/April for everyone else (sounds like a quick move for these)
Forgot to include that, but I just edited my post with the details
I got Pilot, and here are my scores, if it helps anyone. My recommendation letter was written by an old CC I had, who is an O-5 at the Air War College now
So now, does anyone have any insight on when assignment notifications drop? I assume it's also a full PCS, but for us single people, I'm sure we'll be in dorms and will need to put most of our stuff in storage for UPT/UCT/URT
Yeah, that'll be him
Yeah, I'm satisfied I got pilot, but given the scores you and others are posting here, there seem to be quite a few that don't quite make sense. I'd love to hear the reasoning and I think it's something you and others should pursue so you know what to strengthen for next time/know what is actually most important. Scores and rank of LOR writer matter but there seems to be a larger and more unknown X-factor
One did and one did not. The one that did is a 14F/Information Operations Officer like me. As for the one that didn't, he is either intel or engineering. I'd have to ask which but they all blend together at NASIC
I heard news from my CC, I got Pilot, thank you though! He also told me public release is Tuesday, not sure if everyone else is tracking the same
I still got to get through MFS, which concerns me, so if that goes as I fear than I hope you get it!
Also if anyone is able to get a screenshot of the results, could they post it? Not sure if that would be allowed, but it WILL be publically released soon. Only asking because alot of us still don't have access to the PDSM
Great point. That's definitely something worth pursuing feedback on from the board
This does not instill confidence, but I appreciate you sharing so we can all temper our expectations and not be surprised when it seems like we get an unexpected result. There seems to be nothing predictable to how they are selecting. Not that there isn't a system, but it certainly does not seem that methodical
Glad I'm not the only one. Trying not to think about it, but it's just not possible!
I cannot speak about the training, that does sound fairly unpredictable. As for the RPA only package, I know two others besides yourself that did the same just due to medical/age, and what not
Thanks again, and yes please! If anyone did, I'd appreciate the info. Late 2023 makes sense, but just trying to project the likelihood of getting moved up due to no IFT. I'm actually hoping it does not, as I have some major life events this summer, but just trying to forecast, and I'm sure many selects will also already have their PPL. I'm glad to hear that AFPC was flexible with the MFS though. I'm already at Wright-Patt, so hopefully they can get me in ASAP.
Thanks for the info! Did you pick your MFS date or did they assign it? Was it the earliest you could or did you delay it for any reason? Also, did you hear of the timelines for anyone who did not need to go to IFT?
lol, the math makes sense, but does the Air Force? We shall see. Either way I'm excited for Tuesday now