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Everything posted by Drew1232

  1. I'm going to bump this because I have some questions. I am thinking about applying to undergraduate pilot slots with the ANG so I beleive that I would need a CFI. I have a history of 3 visits for kidney stones to the hospital. My last occurance was in July of 2009, so nearly 10 years ago. I've been completely asymptomatic since then. I can find some of my records on the patient portal. I had 3 visits to the ER. First was Nov of 2008. I cannot find records for this one, but I'm fairly certain that one small stone was confirmed via CT. I had a second visit in March 2009, which was written up as possible kidney stone. I had a renal US with no stone found in my kidney. Finally I had a visit in July 2009, with a single 1-2 mm stone inferred in the ureter. The stones were calcium. All stones were passed at home with no procedures to break them up nessecary. I had a horrible diet at the time and little activity. I was told that it was a result of drinking far too much soda. After cutting the soda out, I was fine. Upon reading the waiver guidelines, it seems that the answer is still a NO due to recurrence. My question is to what the meaning of a NO in the box is. Could I still apply to the AETC for a waiver? What would my chances of a waiver being granted be? The navy seems to be slightly more lenient, but if I understand it correctly, I would still be denied under their rules because my stones were less than 5 years apart. Is there any chance of receiving a positive waiver from the navy? Thanks in advance. I can PM certain things like radiology reports if required.
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