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Everything posted by ctf151

  1. Word from recruiters on Reddit is that it's not being used on officer candidates as far as MEPS is concerned. FCI is another question....
  2. Streamed long before the news broke about Hunter's laptop. Hunter Biden sex tapes coming soon
  3. I had a single episode of atrial fibrillation earlier this year that was caused by low magnesium and dehydration. Labs and ekg confirmed that a-fib went away, and I had low magnesium. I was on medication for a month, but was taken off under the direction of my cardiologist. I otherwise have a healthy heart, as confirmed by an ultrasound of my heart. I haven't had an episode since, and I just go back for a checkup in about a month. I know I'll have to disclose it to the FAA, but would the AF look at this physical? Any advice for moving forward would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I already messaged stuckindayton, and he said he wasn't experienced in it.
  4. 2030: Units exclusively made up of transgender women of color
  5. Reminder, for those unaware:
  6. BLM would be taken seriously if they would disavow the lies. Take Michael Brown, the gentle giant, for instance. Most BLM proponents still believe Hands Up/Don't Shoot, and choose to not believe the forensics. Forensics prove that every element of the initial story was a lie; that his hands were up, he was running away, etc. Not to mention his friend went on live TV and lied, then lied to the FBI and never got prosecuted. The other issue is that if you look at FBI crime statistics, you'll see that there's a group that's responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime compared to other groups. When you commit violent crimes, police respond differently than if you didn't commit a violent crime. That will, in turn, result in more police shootings. Sorry, the whole movement is BS.
  7. Is it really worth it to risk losing the 99 pilot score?
  8. ..........Have you been to Knob Noster?
  9. I'd like to be entered, man.
  10. The 131st BW wants experienced pilots. You should take a look
  11. Please elaborate on the commitment for enlisting. I assume you can't go to OTS until your enlistment is is over?
  12. I read a theory that because Iran's economy is doing so poorly, striking Saudi oil facilities and causing an oil crisis would encourage countries to buy Iranian oil in the face of sanctions.
  13. I know. I’m wondering if he trained in an optimal/supervised manner or if it was unsupervised. See attached study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14736129
  14. Did you have a set regimen, or was it do whatever you wanted?
  15. If you don't mind me asking, were any of you doing resistance training on your neck while flying?
  16. Told me the deadline is still the same, but the board date is tbd.
  17. Hey, I’m pretty sure this is what you’re looking for: https://access.afpc.af.mil/pcsmdmz/AFOQTPrepMaterials.html It would be prudent to buy guide from Amazon. I used the Trivium book. I’ve taken the GRE, so I was already pretty familiar with the math and English. The GRE is harder, so it may be good practice.
  18. Epstein’s autopsy is....inconclusive https://abc7.com/2-investigations-underway-after-death-of-jeffrey-epstein-in-nyc-jail/5461698/
  19. I read back in 2012ish people were using the ketosis defense, that people were saying they were in ketosis. Ketosis makes your BAC reading abnormally high. You would be surprised at the ways the body works....
  20. My piece of advice is to find a place outside of meps to test. It’s a lot easier. Each base is different, but I know Eglin AFB just has you fill out a form with your name, test date, branch, and which test you want to take. They will get you on base if you don’t have an ID.
  21. I can't help but wonder what would be the reason Turkey would get Russian S-400's. Why would you do that unless you were searching for vulnerabilities with the F-35? I can't help but speculate that that may have been Russia's plan all along. It's in Russia interests to befriend Turkey because: 1) Bosporus Straight access 2) They know Turkey has growing anti-western sentiment, and is vulnerable to turn against NATO if the conditions are right 3) They want to remove nuclear assets if possible Geopolitics is such an interesting topic....
  22. What if you were a dependent on Tricare at the time of a concussion/treatment? I didn't lose consciousness, so it was relatively minor. I was under the impression that they can get anything if you were on Tricare at the time.
  23. Surely the brass knew the possibility of Turkey ordering the S-400....I can't help but wonder what will happen to nuclear assets in Turkey down the line.
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