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Everything posted by Pretty_Darn_Good
Bogey, similar situation for my PC approval albeit I asked for 15 months of GI Bill TEB ended up being 13 by the time I got approval and 2 months UPT. I had approvals at Sq and Wg level but disapproval’s at AFPC functional level for similar reasons as you. AFPC from what I’ve seen/heard is going with blanket disapproval’s for any ADSC over 6 months based on HAF/A3 guidance that no one can produce. What was the AFPC Div Chief recommendation (last step before going to SAF PC)? AFPC’s review is myopic in that they just look at active duty manning etc. and don’t consider the total force. That’s the job of the SAF PC board to look at Total Force implications. Being that GI TEB is transferable into the guard and if you hadn’t transferred or could revoke it (you can’t, I tried) you could do it again day one in the Guard I would hope if that is your only ADSC they’ll green light you. Best of luck and let us know how it shakes out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was from final approval for me as I had a completed 1288 submitted in my PC package with an accepted intent to hire so mine went final with approval. I’m don’t know if they’ll let you request a sep date on a tentative approval. And it was 30 days from the actual separation date for me as well as I’m not requesting any terminal due to transferring my remaining leave balance to the Guard (AGR position). My ISR recommended against taking terminal if going into an AGR position if requesting for an inside 30 day approval to separation date. He said that can lead to issues with break in service, leave transfer and ultimately your pay He said normal leave and permissive are fine. Edited for grammar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Update on changing Separation date once approved for PC: After talking with the hiring Guard unit to determine the earliest swearing-in date they could support (to prevent a break-in service) I had my ISR request that date which was approximately 2 1/2 weeks from my approval date. AFPC denied the request and stated the earliest they could support was 30 days from approval. I then e-mailed the AFPC Palace Chase Team (they are surprisingly responsive once you get approved, good luck getting any response while your awaiting adjudication) requesting inside 30 days. The minimum 30 days is theoretically to benefit the member as to not jam them up with out-processing, TMO, medical, VA etc. In my case I had already accomplished most of those items so I provided that justification and stated my out-going and incoming Commanders approved the earlier date and they granted the request for inside 30 days. Good luck to all, standing by for any questions or if I can help guide anyone through the process.
Just received PC approval from SAF/PC yesterday. 11S with 3 months UPT and 15 months GI TEB remaining. Hired into an AGR position in the same AFSC with completed 1288. Had all approvals except at the functional level. My original requested separation date was 1 July. AFPC came back to my ISR with no earlier than 30 days out for a new separation date. I’m going to re-attack in the morning, but wanted to see if anyone has had any luck requesting inside 30 days? I’m stoked about approval so it’s not a big issue, and in theory the time is to my benefit but I have already completed TAPs and most out-processing actions so I wont need the full 30 days. Thanks again to the members here for all the information. This site has been the best resource to work through the process. DM me if I can help anyone out or you have questions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Late to the discussion but that’s my understanding that if you have approvals all the way up your package can be adjudicated at the O-6 level at AFPC. If any disapprovals it goes to TFB which is advertising 8 weeks to make a decision. I had all approvals except functional for manning despite the fact my AFSC in the Guard is the exact same and I’ll be flying the same airplane at an active duty squadron. I’ve been checking vMPF CMS daily as I hear it’s not uncommon for a decision to be rendered, but the member won’t find out until a week or two later. As far as getting things done in advance to outprocess. I’ve leaned forward to accomplish TAPS and any reversible out-processing actions so that once I get approval I can quick turn out. Good luck to you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on early release and UPT! My application has been with the total force board for final adjudication for over a month. I’ve been told the board is meeting twice weekly and my requested separation date was 1 July. If approved it’ll be interesting as to what they set my sep date for, per the AFI it is set for approximately 75 days from approval. I originally submitted my application in late Feb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks MooseAg03, I’m following and appreciate the questions/answers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Any recent Palace Chase approvals or denials and timeline from submission to adjudication? MyPers is advertising 16+ weeks for officers, just trying to get a feel for current timelines if your package has to go to SAFPC for adjudication. Understand if you have all approvals/concurs it could be faster if adjudicated by the O-6 at AFPC. Lastly, I've heard from AFPC that there is current HAF/A3 guidance to deny/non-concur any Palace Chase applications that are asking for greater than 6 months off a ADSC. I've been told this guidance was initially put out specifically to address UPT commitments for the rated folks, but have heard it is being applied to other ADSCs such as GI TEB, PCS, TA etc by some functionals at AFPC. Can anyone corroborate or heard anything different?
Thanks Kitten Mittens, I finally got Sq and Wg/CC approvals today and those options opened up in vMPF for me to see approvals, comments, and the next steps. Really hoping my application can get adjudicated at the O-6 level and not go to SAF/PC. Once again this forum is the best resource for learning how to flight follow/keep this thing going. Thanks all! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Found another way to see where your PC app sits through vMPF’s Case Management System link at the top right of the vMPF homepage. Maybe this is common knowledge, but wasn’t for me as I just assumed since I didn’t have CMS access I couldn’t track it. Confirmed this morning you are able to view your own cases by selecting “active cases” inside that page. Unfortunately it doesn’t list contact info but does have office symbol with a time/date stamp of when that office was assigned it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unfortunately I don’t have a secret code. I’ve had the same experience of having to go through a middle man which is super frustrating that you can’t just talk to the actual office. My experience has varied wildly depending on who the middle man happens to be. If I don’t like the result, I’ll just call back an hour later (wait on hold for 45 mins, speaker phone helps) and then hope for someone different/more helpful. I’ve had some success with filing MyPERS incidents and then calling the total force number to request updates to that specific question through the middle man but even that is hit or miss. Hoping someone can chime in with a better way because the current process is ridiculous. Also, I’ve had mild success with having someone with CMS access look up my case number to figure out where it might be hung up and then calling/e-mailing repeatedly that POC until they determine it is easier to move it along then continue to deal with me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Aviation Continuation Pay (ACP - The Bonus)
Pretty_Darn_Good replied to Toro's topic in General Discussion
If your still waiting on the AF to address retention I have some ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell you. Anyone heard from the ACTF in the last 6 months? I think they may have given up after the 69 initiatives bumper sticker that never went anywhere. Based on recent testimony from AF management to the Hill even despite the T-6 OBOGS issues we still produced 1211 pilots last year and with increased production are on track to meet 95% of pilot manning by FY 22-23. I find it hard to believe myself, but seems to resonant on the Hill. I keep hoping the AF will ask for larger bonus/incentive authority for aviators, but magic 8 ball says “outlook not good.” I cringe to think about overall aviation experience levels 6-10 years from now if all we do is continue to focus on growing our way out of this. Unfortanately, mishaps are a lagging indicator and will have 2-3 different CSAFs by then, so why worry about it now? -
Second post, longtime lurker and want to thank everyone for their help in navigating the Palace Chase process. I’ve read through this thread in its entirety numerous times to get all my questions answered. 11S applied for PC on 28 Feb. Already hired into AGR job in same AFSC and MWS with 2nd and 3rd endorsements complete. Turned down IDE in-res this summer to apply. Guard unit supports AD unit I was previously assigned. Asking for 3 months off UPT and 15 months of GI Transfer of Benefits. Sq and Wg Commanders are supportive. Hoping for first time approval to get the family back to our hometown. If anyone has any questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out either here or DM and I’ll do whatever I can to steer you in the right direction.
Call the Total Force Service Center and ask to talk to the Palace Chase office. I submitted my PC app a month ago and kept checking vMPF to see the status and it said “Referred to Sq/CC” except it wasn’t. After the J1 failed to track the app down in CMS, I called the PC office and found my app had been sitting for over 2 weeks with the Palace Chase office with no action as it was missing Sq and Wg/CC endorsement. I asked what they were planning on doing with it and was told, nothing. Eventually got them to reroute it per the PSD Separations Guide to the Sq/CC and it just recently showed up in their CMS...so that’s a month added to an already long process. I’d imagine if you don’t have a Sq/CC check but have Wg/CC that shouldn’t hold up the process but is worth asking when you call the PC office. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and good luck.