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Everything posted by Pooter

  1. Republicans don't hit on democrat NIMBY-ism nearly enough. Bussing migrants sanctuary cities they ask to go to = cruel political stunt by evil Greg Abbott Turning a blind eye to small Republican border towns with no resources as they get complete overrun = "what border crisis??"
  2. I think the meme pages hurt retention far more than recruiting. I doubt very much if high schoolers in droves are following viper driver memes and chuckling at ultra specific FLUG DCA jokes or complaints about morale shirts or FSS walk in hours. What is hurting recruiting far more IMO is the left's constant push to make people ashamed of our country and our history.
  3. 100%. Limiting principles are the name of the game. I will be the first to admit HOAs and local governments can go way overboard with restrictive regulations. But that doesn't validate the "gubment can't tell me what to do on my property" argument. @HeloDude and yes I will also acknowledge the government is ineffective in many ways, most notably in the war on drugs.. which has basically nothing to do with local level property code enforcement.
  4. Are these things that have happened to you or just a list of Fox News prime time gripes? Regardless, thanks for validating my argument. The fact that you called it "the slums" is an overt admission that doing whatever you want on your property can have externalities and can make a whole area less nice. In an alternate reality we could have a nuanced discussion about which things the government should and shouldn't regulate on private property. No trash burning: probably makes sense. Overly specific pool fence laws: probably not. But you already came up with the most genius solution.. just stop being poor! Wonder if poor people have thought of that..
  5. ?? How about noise ordinances. Would you be jazzed if your neighbor was discharging firearms outside all night? Or blasting music till 4am? or how about if they were burning trash in their front yard upwind of your home? Yes HOAs suck because they tend to overstep, but the government absolutely has a role to restrict certain behaviors even on private property. Because unless you're on a ranch in rural Montana all the stuff I listed above will affect other people in a normal neighborhood. I hope you don't have to experience truly sh!t neighbors. I have. And I assure you that after they blow you off in a face to face talk, you wouldn't hesitate to get the government involved.
  6. Yeah it probably wasn't a great time immediately after that impact. But my point is that far more calamitous things have happened to earth than humans driving cars and flying planes, and it's still here supporting life. The earth has been far colder, far hotter, and far more polluted than it is now and supported life throughout. So the notion that we're going to somehow irreparably break the earth or make it completely uninhabitable is just a cute case of humans having main character syndrome, and failing to understand how tiny and insignificant we are in the cosmic sense. The other piece climate panic pushers fail to account for is how good humans are at adapting. Earths population grows every year, and climatologists tell us natural disasters are getting more severe and more frequent *citation needed.* But somehow we find that less and less people every year are killed by natural disasters when you adjust for population growth. Seems counterintuitive but that just shows how good we are at adapting to and mitigating problems. As green technologies progress they will become cheaper, more efficient, more reliable, and will one day take the place of fossil fuels. I truly look forward to when that happens. But trying to force them into prime time use prematurely by outlawing energy forms that we still depend on is not the way to do it. Saddling our economy with restrictions while China still pisses in the pool is also not the way to do it.
  7. 66 million years ago the earth got hit by a 6 mile wide meteor traveling 12 miles per second. It resulted in 600 mph winds, 300 foot mega tsunamis that obliterated global coastlines, threw 25 trillion metric tons of debris into the atmosphere, which rained back down causing mass wildfires destroying 70% of forests on earth. The impact also caused an explosion the equivalent of 72 trillion tons of tnt which is more than all of the nuclear weapons currently on earth combined. The earth is still here. Still supporting life. But what's really going to determine the future of earth is whether you drive a F-150 or a Prius to work. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  8. She's the one who wants the total ban on fossil fuels. Not my idea dude. She's an ignorant rich child that doesn't understand the 2nd and 3rd order effects of what she's proposing. Parts of the developing world still burn wood and dung for heat and would kill to have basic fossil fuel infrastructure. (Which would also be a green improvement.) Again, It was her stated goal to eliminate fossil fuels in 5 years, not mine. This would be disastrous to the 3rd world and 1st world alike. Luckily we didn't do it, which might have something to do with it being literally impossible right now. Green technologies are progressing but trying to force it down everyone's throat on an unrealistic timeline is how you get the Texas windmill freeze debacle or the California's rolling blackouts or Europe's disastrous dependence on Russian natural gas. This is her personal crusade and it is divorced from the realities of what our power grids demand and what green energy can supply right now. The Energy storage piece is another huge component to the green infrastructure that is not fully figured out yet. But if you still don't think she's a spoiled, grandstanding, holier than thou, hypocritical climate influencer I'll offer up this. Instead of flying commercial from New York to Lisbon for a 2019 climate conference, she chartered a ride on a rich couple's racing catamaran across the Atlantic. Cool. Super green. Except for the part where they flew her boat captain commercial from Britain to New York prior to the voyage, later promising the flight would be offset with carbon credits. Which begs the question, why doesn't Greta just fly places and pay for carbon offsets? why it's almost like it's one big publicity stunt
  9. Maybe someone could make a documentary about how much government money these rich people are costing the taxpayers to get rescued from their stupid rich people adventure. Seriously how in the hell is my local beach "swim at your own risk" but we'll muster the whole coast guard in the futile task of looking for these billionaire a$$holes 2.5 miles under the ocean. Unless these dudes took out a 10 billion insurance policy to repay the government there is no reason public funds should be used to look for these idiots. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
  10. My favorite part is the fastest way to kill off a massive part of the developing world would be to outlaw fossil fuels on a super aggressive timeline with no suitable replacement infrastructure. But that nuance is likely lost on the petulant professional complainer who grew up in Scandinavia driving mommy and daddy's electric polestar around. Maybe, to get some perspective, instead of Gucci climate conferences in NYC and Lisbon she could sail her stupid f-ing catamaran to Somalia and see how well her fossil fuel plan is received.
  11. Yeah RFKJ is a quack on many issues. No doubt about it. But he is a well-intentioned quack, which is more than can be said about most of the political elite class.
  12. You’re wrong that this is “common.” You or I would be in prison for over a decade doing what he is on video doing. Standard Democrat two tier justice system in action. Correction: standard two-tier justice system **for rich and connected people of all political persuasions** in action. Money buys good lawyers. Good lawyers get you out of things. I'm sure having daddy as president doesn't hurt, but fundamentally if you are rich and connected in this country you live (mostly) above the law, left, right, and center. Funny part is trump has stepped in it so hard with these classified docs that even the most talented lawyers might not get him out of this one. Especially when he continues to self-incriminate almost daily through social media posts and/or tv appearances. It takes a special level of ego to continue blabbing against the advice of all of your lawyers, and I'm so so here for it. Even barely sentient houseplant Biden has enough legal common sense to deflect or no-comment in response to questions about his derelict son.
  13. Yeah man.. welcome to the real world. The right isn't exactly jumping through their ass to prosecute their own people either. Last I checked the DOJ is under the executive branch. Do you live in some moral high ground fantasy land where it's realistic to expect Biden to prosecute himself? Or his son? Or his friends? You're talking about how politics should be. I'm talking about how politics is. If you want to even the scales, stop complaining and start winning.
  14. This wild "leftist" is actually pushing the candidate consistently more conservative than trump on actual issues. Except we all know the issues don't matter to trumpists. But tell yourself whatever you need to, buddy. Keep practicing the coping strategies. They'll come in handy Nov 7th 2024 when trumps pathetic cult of personality loses the right another election.
  15. Jesus Christ, so much "but her emails" copium in this thread right now. Not a lot of solutions. Here's a wild idea, although it makes too much sense for republicans to actually try it: Let trump go down in flames. Just let him go. If you think this is a big unfair liberal witch hunt or at the very least a terrible double standard, thats the fastest way to fix it. Take this opportunity to divorce yourself from the un-electable clown and get a frontrunner who can actually win. Then when you win in 2024, you can indict Hillary and Hunter and Biden and Kamala and Dylan Mulvaney and Whoopie Goldberg and whoever else you want. This is a massive F-big opportunity for republicans, but they're so blinded by "ITS NOT FAIR" they won't even be able to capitalize. The fastest way to right past wrongs is to get power back and the fastest way to get power back is to dump the criminal lunatic who alienated more people than have ever voted in history into choosing the senile houseplant. We've been over this in this thread before. Why is the mainstream media running near-constant hit pieces on Desantis even though he trails trump in every poll? Why is trump exclusively targeting Desantis? Say it with me all together now: Because. He's. The. Candidate. They're. Actually. Worried. About.
  16. Just once, I'd love to hear news about UPT getting more rigorous. Literally in any way
  17. Location cannot be stressed enough. They're not just not great.. they are in the absolute ass crack of America. And Im not talking about what I've heard, I've been to all the bases and lived at 2 of them. For married folks it's terrible for the spouse and kids. For single folks it's terrible because good luck finding anyone to date other than the #peopleofwalmart locals. If you're one of those guys who thinks location isn't a big deal or the locations aren't that bad based on your year and change spent there in UPT 10-15 yrs ago I've got an experiment for you. After work one day sit down with your wife and tell her you got orders to Laughlin. There's nothing you can do, you guys are moving at the end of the summer. See how that conversation goes and then come tell me location isn't a big deal.
  18. The mission and personal sacrifices associated with the mission arent what's driving people out of the Air Force en masse. If you ask, 90+ percent of flyers will tell you they love their mission and it's what gets them up in the morning. It's the mountain of queep and endless administrivia hoops we jump through on a daily basis that sours people on the Air Force. Its the daily grinding against the densest bureaucracy imaginable. I worked a civilian engineering job for 5 years prior to Air Force life and it was leaps and bounds more focused on my primary duty than the Air Force is focused on me being a CMR CAF pilot. So we'll play a quick game of civilian world never-have-I-ever. Never have I ever in my civilian job: -had a computer that takes 20 minutes to log onto email -been voluntold to attend and organize social functions in my off time -DRMO literally anything -submit my co-workers for 15 categories of awards every quarter with nazi-regime level strictness of the award submissions -use 1/2 and 1/4 spaces in a document to adhere to writing standards -do HR functions onboarding/off boarding/ discipline/punishment -had scheduled PTO cancelled causing me to eat plane ticket and lodging costs -had my company open a credit card in my name, stipulate what I can use it for, threaten me for not using it, and withhold payment based on an archaic voucher system managed by literal retards. -had basic structural issues with our office building go un-fixed for years -been put in charge of entire programs wildly outside my job description -pulled weeds, mowed grass, and plowed snow around my office building -done 69 annual CBTs to maintain "readiness" to name just a very very few. Most of this stuff just sounds like minor gripes and complaints but the list is endless. If you have significant private sector experience prior to entering or a spouse you can compare stories with its very very easy to see the insanity of all this crap. Most dudes won't get that perspective until getting out.
  19. I mean it's mainly a question of demographics. Big cities lean extremely heavily left because big cities attract tech, finance, and corporate workers who also lean overwhelmingly left. And Americans are far too tribal to vote for someone of the opposite party who might actually clean up the streets over someone in their own party. No matter how heinous the results continue to be. If you're looking for a good model to emulate I'm not sure why it has to be a big city. There's excellent conservative governance going on in medium size cities/towns all over the country.
  20. Except you already know what's going to happen. Surprise! Needs of the Air Force. Promising Base of preference on an enterprise level doesn't work when you have objective shitholes that you have to man with people. What happens when every eligible UPT ADO preferences Randolph? Are they just gonna stop manning the UPT bases with majors and above? What happens when every viper driver in existence prefs aviano/spang over holloman? No more b-course I guess. And if by some wild chance the Air Force does attempt to keep its word to the bonus takers, now they have to try and force free agents to PCS to the Laughlins and cannons and minots of the world, resulting in the same 7 day opt waves we've already seen. It'll take big blue 6.9 seconds to figure out it's totally unsustainable and turn it off.
  21. Yeah I'd trust the base of preference thing about as far as I can throw AFPC.. which is to say zero
  22. Basically identical to this video I've seen balloons, drones, stars, planets, farmer joe in a Cessna, and airliners etc.. many times through the pod, nvgs, and with the naked eye. If you trust that I have any level of competence operating military aircraft believe me it was not any of those things.
  23. 100% agree and I'm not bashing the dudes that want to stay in. If I was on the golden path for school and some joint gig in DC my calculus might change too. Because I'm fairly sure the #1 guy at my base doesn't have to worry about getting sent to Laughlin. But my point is if the AF wants the bonus to actually do anything for retention it needs to be very convincing money in the short term targeted squarely at the dudes getting out in droves. For the guys on the fence about getting out, taking on an additional 10 year commitment is a literal joke.. for any amount of money. You solve the retention problem by targeting the middle 50% of dudes and convincing them it's worth their while to stay another 2-3 years.
  24. It's wild because the dudes taking the 12 year 50 k extension were probably staying anyway. So now big AF just has to pay them more. The actual crux of the retention problem is the 90% of 2nd yr majors drowning in queep who are non school selects.. reading the tea leaves that a laughlin tour or bullshit Africa 365 are in their very near future. So maybe getting paid more to fly at the airlines with precisely 0% chance of a deployment and 0% you get domiciled in Laughlin is pretty attractive. If the Air Force is actually serious about fixing retention, they need to offer stupid money in the first few years after the ADSC ends.
  25. Not sure if there's already a thread for this but.. How is this story not getting more attention?? https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/ Also anyone got any good UAP/UFO flying stories? I honestly thought it was a bunch of navy dweebs seeing things after a little too long at sea.. till it happened to me.
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