I think it's going to be a squadron to squadron deal for that answer. Your scores and background are extremely solid and I don't know what board wouldn't want someone with those numbers, and especially someone that is prior service with a combat deployment.
However, back before I decided that the heavy track suited me best and was visiting different squadrons, one ANG F-16 unit I was at politely asked an individual to leave and not return after they discovered that he had gone through USN flight training all the way to the carrier landings where he was disqualified. He said that the reasoning they gave him was that he had "already had his shot and it didn't work out for him" and they wanted to give somebody that hadn't gotten their chance at fighters yet a shot, so that could be an issue that comes up.
With your scores and background though there's no reason not to give it a shot. Rush some units, get some feedback, see how things are going to shake out, and continue from there.
Edit to add: The commander of the ANG squadron also called the commander of the guys prior training squadron to ask about the guy, so there could have been something discovered in that phone call that aided in the decision to ask him to not return too, I'm not sure.