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Everything posted by filthy_liar

  1. Rat can you dumb this down for someone who is intellectually challenged. You type crazy logical replies and generally beat the shit out of anyone who challenges you. Can you tell me why Russia is an adversary? I'm an Alabama boy, I have chickens (Maserati) and two goats. Why is Russia a threat to me? Dumb it down. I already told you I'm in Bama.
  2. That post was for Biff. For Capt Morgan, what's your excuse?
  3. Don't ever log into baseops forums when you've been drinking. Don't do that. Problem is, everytime I log into baseops I'm probably drinking. Again, apologies for saying I wanted to hit you. That was effed up. And yessir, you come across as a badass.
  4. No problem. Whiny bitches are what's over all of the internet. Should I be less of a whiny bitch? Probably. Tired of interacting with whiny little bitches. You've been done there done that too, I can tell. And I like your style. I'm not going to say that I like punching people and getting punched, but yea, I understand exactly what you're saying. Just keep it internet-ish. And no I shouldn't have said that I wanted to punch you. Dick move on my part.
  5. If you think back on all of the hairy shit you found yourself in...UPT ranks right up there. It's embarrassing but true.
  6. 19 Oct 2001. I'll go in the front leaning rest for fucking that date up. It's the only day I take a shot.
  7. And yes I'm an angry and stupidass drunk on the internet. I think we've all established that.
  8. You are. You are a woman.
  9. You already quoted them perfectly. A-10 pilot, B-1 pilot. ALO that jumped into Afghanistan on 19 Sep 2001.
  10. I don't. And I avoid those things like most adults who aren't in jail. But if you want me to give you a time and place because you are mad about internet stuff, I will. Because yes, I can beat the shit out of you and more importantly, yes, I will. So I sent you the PM with my location. You won't come. But you sure do like fighting and being punched in the face don't you hero?
  11. PM sent. I don't think you really understand what you are about to get into here. You're leaving the internet and entering the real world.
  12. There he is. It's Sim, right there ^^^ I probably said Sims. That's on me.
  13. Is it a trick question? Mexico. Guatemala. Nicaragua. Costa Rica. Panama. Of course fentanyl and opiods are coming from the east. But where are they coming to that directly affects this country? Mexico. Guatemala. Nicaragua. Costa Rica. Panama.
  14. Do visit. It's sad as hell, I teared up too. There's a museum I think in Belgium that was built to commemorate the battle for verdun. Very sobering.
  15. Also, unfortunately true.
  16. Unfortunately there are way more of these sentiments than badass stories. And I don't disagree with your overall assessment. Complete waste of money and assets and a complete drain on morale. But I do like hearing the stories from the badasses. Even if it was a shit show to begin with.
  17. For those who are claiming Russia and China are such horrible threats to the US, I'm curious - what is causing you to think that? Mexico is causing a great deal of harm to the US. Right now. Drug cartels are causing harm to the US. Right now. Gang bangers are causing a great deal of harm to the US. What causes military people to downplay the actual live threats and always point at an overseas nation? Are Raytheon/Boeing/Lockmart really that good? I guess they are.
  18. This is a fucking cocksucker. Can we not get of this?
  19. Capt Morgan get the fuck out of here
  20. Never heard of Sims on here? God bless you. No? The covid threads? No? Ok then.
  21. I didn't know that, Danger is a bad mother fucker, He is, I probably gave him shit earlier. Holy shit, look at that.
  22. Talking to Sua
  23. Yessir. So, considering aid to the Ukraine...go ahead
  24. Did you pull it off mate?
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