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Everything posted by filthy_liar

  1. nsplayer I'm not sure your "not sure if you are a troll" or "out of touch" is going to work here. People that are earning low income are not showing up to work, not because they are staying home because they are sick. Do you not understand that? Do you really not understand that?
  2. I hope I'm wrong that Trump won't primary his way in to the general by a hair margin, and then get crushed in the general election by whatever candidate the democrats want to throw up there at this point. I don't think I'm wrong. I think the GOP will eff this up again and somehow think Trump "You're Fired" is the correct choice. And Biden will win a second term. Hopefully you didn't bite off on the secret files stuff. If the could survive the laptop stuff, he'll survive this unless the DNC comes out with a deliberate hangman. The fact that I typed any of that shows how effed the GOP is. It's Biden. We have to strategize to get Trump out of the way so we can defeat Biden? The GOP is ed.
  3. Edit....they are staying home when they are sick. Not really, but they aren't going to work.
  4. Fair point. And every GS I've ever worked with. My point is that lower income wage earners are absolutely not staying home when they are sick. To borrow your word - schemers. And just being sick? GTFO. Got tickets to a concert, grandma's birthday, a friend had a flat tire, etc. People that say low income workers are toughing it out day in and day out through the flu have absolutely no clue what is going on. They are not doing that.
  5. I guess I am out of touch with some of the posters on here. People who are on the lower income spectrum find every single excuse in the book to not go to work. The system allows them to do that, and they take advantage of it. That's why you stand in line forever waiting on your table and the hostess comes up with an excuse. Its not like in our world, there is absolutely no accountability, and the worst thing that can happen if you don't show up is that you are looking for another job. Covid is highlighting this, now they can just stay home and get paid. I think some of you need to open up your eyes to how the rest of society works, especially in the lower income brackets. They are not showing up to work when they are sick.
  6. You're not interacting with people that are on the lower end of the income spectrum? But you're giving me internet wisdom. Checks.
  7. Good deal. Put your mask on, get your shot and get to work.
  8. Here's what I'm worried about. Back in 2016 my first question to the GOP was why are there so many candidates in the primary? Jeb was the first on my hit list. Is the GOP now a dynasty? What is he doing on there? Second one was Trump, because all I knew him from was from the tv show where he ended up saying "You're Fired" to some contestant and he was a liberal New Yorker. I thought that was absurd. And so did all of my conservative buddies. I knew a neuro surgeon or one of the two senators running would get the nomination. No worries. Then the GOP started coming unhinged. Carson couldn't string together two sentences. Cruz turned hostile (in the context of presidential debates) and Rubio devolved into personal attacks. Jeb kinda fell into the "well, that was my dad and grandad that did that, not me" trap. So when Trump won, all of my fellow conservatives who just hours ago agreed that Trump was an idiot who should not be representing us suddenly put a cape on him and he was god's gift. I'm worried that is about to happen again. Including the 12 GOP primary candidates nonsense.
  9. Is my middle class first world showing? Is my white privilege showing also? Good lord. I am around folks who make 30 - 40k per year. They don't go in if they have the sniffles. They don't go in if their kid has the sniffles. What world are you living in? You seem to be mixing America with the world. I was responding to Flea, whose comment was about Americans. Thank you for the recommendation to travel though. I shall look into that.
  10. In reality, $14B is a lot of money in the programming directorates of the services in the pentagon. And an aircraft carrier is a huge, huge deal. Just the upgrade of the virginia class subs almost cost the AF some F-35s in one appropriation/acquisition year. When you look at the entire DoD budget, I agree, 14B isn't earth shattering. But in every services' fight to the death POM cycle, that's a hell of a lot of bank.
  11. He's not. He's maneuvering for life after the AF.
  12. mcbush - go through the process. and if the VA tells you that you probably have tinitius, don't turn that down.
  13. Apologies. What was he asking?
  14. Flea you say this, but I don't think that's really being honest. Do people push it and come to work when they shouldn't? Sure. Are they doing that en masse? No. No they are not. If people feel like shit, they stay home. Period. Because if you're sick, you're sick. There's no way you are going in, sick days or not. And maybe we have different definitions of being sick. If I'm sick, I can't function. It's a pretty big deal. It's not a "well I might be sick." If I'm sick, it is a very very rare occasion. People are taking advantage of the sick days, which interestingly enough, is now a federal mandate. How very predictable was this.
  15. I'm ok. I have not been slotted by Prosuper.
  16. what is an S-head? In all my time at SAMS I don't recall that one.
  17. That doesn't pass the common sense test to me. I'm not saying you are wrong, but millions of transactions per hour are taking place in the crypto exchanges. I find it very hard to believe that volume is being generated peer to peer absent an exchange. What would that even look like?
  18. In here? Probably not. Do you think that you do?
  19. This is why I was reminding the nav that Catholicism is, in fact, Christianity. It made a couple of more missteps in that regard in other posts. No worries. Just making sure that in spite of an expert Catholic's diatribe, we all understand the landscape.
  20. That's about the answer i expected. DFP? IF? From a nav turned UAV operator? Yes, good luck to you also.
  21. I think what lloyd is getting at, is that a father abandoning their child is sickening, abortion laws or not. I can understand his disgust that people are arguing that sense pro choice laws are in place in a certain state, then the man should also be able to get out of taking care of the child. I agree with lloyd - that is ing disgusting. Males in this country are devolving at an alarming rate.
  22. Ok you answered my question. Thank you, didn't really think of that at the nation state level, but hey, if its an option, you're exactly right - it's not really regulated.
  23. I think we're saying the same thing. Crypto has to be traded on an exchange unless you've found a coin that doesn't require that. I mean I guess I could give a buddy my crypto wallet...that wouldn't be regulated. Are you saying that nation states are doing exactly that on a large scale basis?
  24. Good grief. These are two of the best paragraphs I've ever read that support the notion that religion is completely made up and anything goes. Abortion is a pretty morality based topic. To state that you could go either way on that and still be Christian...wow. BTW...Catholics = Christians. Protestants/Catholics are Christians just like Sunnis and Shi'ites are Islamic. Here's a gem: "And the Pope has said as much WRT Catholics, case closed." Doesn't having a human being on earth here today making such proclamations violate the first commandment? Do you really base your moral compass on what some dude in the Vatican is spewing? Here's another one: "But super inside-baseball doctrine where there is a variety of opinion AND the head of the faith says it’s not critical…again, case closed." First off, super inside baseball doctrine is obviously a farce. Second, do you believe that kings and emperors and popes are divinely anointed? The "head" of the faith? Pray tell, who gave him that BS title? I didn't. He sure as heck isn't head of anything in my world. I struggle in 2023 to understand how Americans, who rejected the notion of the divinely appointed kings and emperors (and included a prohibition against the gov't awarding titles of nobility in our constitution), how do Americans recognize the pope? He was awarded a title of nobility by cardinals. And now you have people like yourself saying things like the pope said it, "case closed." You are a very strange liberal.
  25. Go back and read nsplayer's post that I responded to. Additionally, what is reported vs what I experienced in Asia and Europe most definitely did not match. Any desk officer, FAO, intel officer, etc will tell you the same. It's kinda in Germany's best interest to make sure it is being "reported" doing one thing and do another. As it is in every other country's interest on earth. Mis/disinformation is kind of a thing.
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