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Everything posted by BR_MIST

  1. Geez that's harsh. Pretty sure if you can't get Comirnaty you can't comply with the previous order..... not a lawyer though.
  2. Bottom line here's the deal regarding religious accommodation, or just accommodation in general. If maximum readiness and good order and discipline was the single pursuit of the military then it would be composed exclusively of ideologically identical people who have been baptized into state atheism. As it sits, the military has decided that is not the way to go. The problem at the moment is that is seems religious accommodations are being approved based on whatever is most politically expedient. In addition, politics are motivated by your religion or whatever worldview your subscribe to. If politics are any indication, then I would say the worldviews of population the military is supposed to reflect are trending divergent and the military is in for a mess any way you slice it.
  3. Your characterization of motivation for objecting to the use of fetal cells was wrong. In the case of religious accommodation in the military, I'd bet you'd say the druid in BMT who needs 2 hours a day to sit underneath a tree because of their religion, or the Native American who needs to smoke peyote regularly because of religion would both be incompatible with military service. Both of those religious accommodations have been granted. With regard to your comment about Leviticus I assume you're talking about Jews correct? Speaking to religion in general, why should a particular religion makes sense to you as non-follower of that religion? If it made sense to you then you'd be a follower. The DoD has decided that it wants a force reflective of the populace it protects, to include religion. These religious accommodations are then pursued in good faith. Now if the military said that religious rights are exclusively limited to that which was acceptable to state atheism then this would be a different conversation.
  4. There's a lot wrong with that statement. However, I agree that religious preferences shouldn't be imposed on a non-participating group. On that other hand, it is absolutely acceptable to refuse to participate in biomedical practices that genuinely violate a religious tenet.
  5. No Gen Wills circulated a memo that all RAs suspend training immediately. I was supposed to check and get wings that week...... I don't know if he was forwarding from Gen Webb or if that was his creation. What I'm hoping for is that no one moves quickly and I can stick in out till mid terms hahah. We'll see if it's a vain hope.
  6. I'm aware of the odds. That's why I'm asking.
  7. Thanks for being genuine man! Seriously.
  8. It does apply actually do bunch of shots I already got. I just didn't have the wherewithal to look into them at the time (BMT will do that to you). That said for my case at least, the problem I have some with some of the shots don't apply to all of them. For instance, some flu shots could be a problem but I've been able to find ones that aren't. The real kicker for me is that there's covid shots that are in development that would be ok for me and they could arrive sometime next year. Unfortunately, the pentagon seems to want to score political points as fast as possible and here I am stuck in UPT on hold.
  9. I'm aware. Is the answer to the "maybe" a unit squadron commander kind of question?
  10. I've got an odd shot question. I'm in UPT AD almost finished and I have a religious accommodation request in for the shot. If it gets denied and the AF moves to separate me over it, is it even possible to go to a guard unit in a state that has said they will NOT be separating people because of the shot?
  11. I'm in the middle of UPT at Vance just barely keeping my head above water. Hate pulling Gs with a passion. Wondering if anyone here can speak to the C-146 or any other AFSOC MWS; things you didn't know going in that you wish you did etc. I got to talk to a crew who stopped through Vance a while ago. Really cool guys and very appealing mission.
  12. As of right now my top bases actually would be Minot, Ellsworth, Mountain Home, and Offut. The convenient thing for me is that most of those jet only have two or three stations. My biggest hurdle is going to be figuring out what mission I'm most passionate about which can be tough cause so much is need to know.
  13. Will do. Thanks for the pointers!
  14. Offut is pretty close to home for me so that's a bonus in my mind. What you are implying is that the junior captain who are here want to come here as opposed to staying with their op squadrons? Look for the people that aren't here?
  15. I really wouldn't mind Offut. I have heard it's a small community that's pretty tight-knit with good people.
  16. No gremlins see above. Follow on could be any fighter or anything in the inventory? Say I wanted to go AFSOC or heavies?
  17. Thank you for all the responses! Clearly I overstated my aversion to vault time haha. When I interviewed at the ANG viper unit the fighter life style just didn't seem for me, that's all. Obviously I'm sure it's different between the various air frames. I have three cousins flying a viper, C-17, and a BUFF. The C-17 and BUFF appeal more to me just from talking to them. Everything else is on that list because I've had a very difficult time finding info on them. One of the guys I went to OTS with was involved on the civilian side with the certification etc of the U-27/208 and the things he was allowed to share were hilarious in some case and awesome in others. BeefBears, thanks for that. I meant AFSOC, I understand there is a difference. Are you working with them? Would you be willing to talk over DM?
  18. These are the MWS I know the least about.
  19. Currently at UPT and starting to think about a dream sheet. Unfortunately ole' COVID has really hampered operational guys from stopping by so I can pick their brains. I'm AD and I came from a Viper guard unit (enlisted but I did interview). I enjoy flying but as much fun as fighters would be, I'm pretty sure I don't want to spend my days in a vault. Looking for advice on any of the following: U-27 and 28s CV-22 130 (SOCOM) ISR 135s U-2 B-52 T-38A (to my understanding this is considered a pre-22 assignment?) I greatly appreciate any insight.
  20. Thank you!
  21. Going in for two Air Guard interviews (c-130s and F-16s) within the week. Anyone have any insight as to the type of questions they ask? Thanks
  22. Wow nice! what airframe? I took the AFOQT in February I think so I won't be able to retake in time for applications. My score isn't bad but I'm aware it's not the best. That's my why I'm applying active too. The other thing that's kinda nice is that I won't be at the mercy of the NGB if I go active. I'm already part of the MNANG and would just wait until I get a slot there but I'm kind of itching to start a career.
  23. Holy smokes that is an abnormal timeline. Did you apply nation wide or did you have a few you really wanted? We you already enlisted or off the street? Have you shipped to training yet? @brabus The only fighter unit I'm applying right now is my home unit.
  24. Ya I'm not dead set on fighters anyways. They'd be super fun but I think people discount heavies too quickly (which may work in my favor XD). Did you apply just to fighter guard units?
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