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Everything posted by BR_MIST

  1. AGE: 21 AFOQT: Pilot: 81 Nav:68 Acad: 76 Verbal: 92 Quat: 53 PCSM: 82 LOR: Civil Air Patrol Commander, Army two star (ret, personal reference, I do know him well), College Prof. GPA: 3.75 (History B.A.) 20/15 vision Ratings: ASEL, AMEL, ASES, IA, CFI, CFII, AGI, 310hrs TT (working as a CFI now) Two years post college working CAP Billy Mitchell Cadet I'm currently applying to both MNANG units and Active Duty in the event neither of those work out. Two of the three apps are already in. I'm just waiting for the last unit to open. Whats holes do people see here that I should be ready to address in an interview? Thanks
  2. Ya that's what I hear too. Kind of a delicate selection process.
  3. Oh sorry. PCSM was 82. I will start my own thread if that's your suggestion. The two other units I looked at were Madison WI and Anchorage AK. The reason for the unit selection is family close by. Those two units both hired two years out though. That's more of a wait than I want. Active Duty I don't really view as a negative either. If it makes sense, I WANT to go active but if there's the chance I can get a guard job then that would also be sweet.
  4. No idea. Nothing has come out yet. They hired a ton of new guys last year so they only go for already typed guys.
  5. Ya fighter slots are tough in the guard. Duluth unit. Are you rated yet?
  6. Guard fighters are way different than active I hear. I know a guy who has all 90's, PPC over 100 hrs, has reenlisted at the unit (we're in the same unit), and is finishing doctorate and STILL wasn't selected. The table is NOT the same as on the website. Similar but not the same. Be aware that it never hurts to apply to heavies. There isn't bad flying job in the Air Force. Fighter guys don't get very many hours. Apply to everything and see what you can get. I talked to a base colonel (Guard F-16s). He has like 3000 hrs in the jet and he said he's probably one of the last 3000 hr fighter the force would ever make just because the costs are SO high now. I wonder what EvilEagle would have to say about all this.
  7. The General is a good family friend. Plenty of connection. Low Nav and Quant scores are because I misread a couple of the questions on the math section of the AFOQT. Still inside of 6 months so nothing I can do about that now. A lot of that type of math I haven't done since high school. Plenty involved in extra curricular activities and planning committees in college. Nursing home volunteering, helped organize neighborhood Ultimate games many times. Not many organized sports just because I didn't go to public high school and I focused heavily on academics in college (cranked out a four year degree in one year after high school). Lot's of Civil Air Patrol stuff (squadron and wing leadership positions) for about 4 years in high school. Good luck on the AFOQT. Definitely don't neglect that published study guide. You applying to Guard units or Active?
  8. I have similar question. Is anyone willing to pick apart my application? AGE: 21 AFOQT: Pilot: 81 Nav:68 Acad: 76 Verbal: 92 Quat: 53 LOR: Civil Air Patrol Commander, Army two star (ret), College Prof. GPA: 3.75 (History B.A.) 20/15 vision Ratings: ASEL, AMEL, ASES, IA, CFI, CFII, AGI, 310hrs TT (working as a CFI now) Two years post college working CAP Billy Mitchell Cadet I'm currently applying to both MNANG units and Active Duty in the event neither of those work out. Two of the three apps are already in. I'm just waiting for the last unit to open. Whats holes do people see here that I should be ready to address in an interview? Thanks
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