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Everything posted by OptFire

  1. Anyone have any info on what UCT is like and more specifically what being a CSO on the C-130 entails? I was recently eliminated from UPT (didn't pass formation in the T-6) but I am being recommended for CSO and considering finding a reserve unit to sponsor me. Are there reserve fighter units that higher back seaters? Any info would be helpful!
  2. Commissioning through OTS has its own service commitment though. We were told by the reserves if you wash out of UPT you potentially owe your sponsoring 2 years.
  3. Final Timeline, I'm a worst case scenario due to Covid/AFRC Board backups. 2 years from hire till ots. Hired (Heavy Reserve): Oct 2019 MEPS: Dec 2019 FCI: June 2020 AFRC UPT Board: Jan 2021 OTS: Oct 2021 UPT: Feb 2022 @ Laughlin Good luck to anyone waiting and if anyone is going to Laughlin let me know!
  4. Reserves here, I wasn't enlisted when I got my FC1. My squadron had me submit my receipts (flight, car, gas, hotel) and fill out a reimbursement form/direct deposit. Got it all back within a couple months.
  5. April, packet due by March 31st. Contact your recruiter if you're eligible for it. You'll need your FC1 stamped.
  6. My unit called. I don't know about a sharepoint site? Good luck!!!!
  7. Currently 74! I ended up retaking the TBAS earlier this month lmao, but my score hasn't updated yet.
  8. Turns out none of that mattered, I was selected by AFRC to go to UPT from this month's board. Go figure! I was told extra slots opened up from what they originally predicted. Timeline Hired: Oct 2019 MEPS: January 2020 FC1: June 2020 AFRC Board: Jan 2021 OTS/UPT: Maybe Jan 2022?
  9. No worries, I’ve had to push for this job the whole way so I expect to keep doing that until I earn my wings. I have an 83 Pilot AFOQT Score, PCSM is 74 with 140 flight hours. I can only raise it 4 more points for about $9000 in rentals xD. My PCSM was 35 before updating my flight log. I’ll definitely be retaking the TBAS first.
  10. I was unfortunately just told by my squadron that my packet won't be sent to AFRC boards for the time being because my PCSM is too low for the abysmal selection rates. I still have my job offer so I'm not totally defeated, but feeling really bummed out right now. I'm guessing I should retake the AFOQT/TBAS since I have one more attempt on each. Is it even possible to take these tests right now? The whole person concept still applies but it pays to have a high PCSM score.
  11. Does anyone know when they typically announce the results of the AFRC upt boards?
  12. Scanning the forums to see if anyone has the slightest bit of news. It's probably making me even crazier. I'll update my timeline since its been awhile. Hired: Oct 2019 by Reserve Tanker Squadron MEPS: December 2019 /January 2020 FC1: June 2020 AFRC Board: Missed July board waiting on FC1 to be stamped, Submitted for Oct 2020. I've heard these boards are impossibly backed up so I could be in the rotation of these for a long time.
  13. I saw Charlotte ANG pop up on BogiDope this morning. I've already been picked up by another unit, but I just wanted to say I grew up here and its a fantastic place to live. If anyone gets an interview PM me and ill give you the rundown on what to do in uptown.
  14. Whats the correct approach then? Is there a syllabus you should be going over the week/night before to prepare? And how much is self study vs classroom?
  15. What does NGB stand for? I was hearing that as well from my recruiter and from other people at Wright Patt when I was there two weeks ago so thats most likely the case.
  16. Anyone had their FC1 rescheduled yet?
  17. Did they actually give you a new date? My FC1 was suppose to be next week, but I was told it was canceled/expect rescheduling between May and August.
  18. Just hear physicals at Wright Patt are being rescheduled if you had a date before May 11
  19. @FDNYOldGuy I appreciate the response and all the info. Just got cleared by MEPS, recruiter says WP is backed up so i'll keep on pushing to get up there.
  20. When I accepted the job offer they had me start working with a recruiter. I'm about 90% sure he is scheduling me for Wright Patt. Really the only info i've gotten from him is "MEPS, then WP, then board". I emailed him for clarity before posting here, but I was hoping other Civilian to Reserve guys had some answers.
  21. Can someone fill me in on what exactly I have to get done between getting hired and getting to OTS? I was picked up a Heavy Reserve squadron and i'm working with a recruiter, but he is barely giving me any information. Hired: October 2019 MEPS: December/January 2019 I need a physical at Wright-Patterson? and I need to be accepted by the Air Force Reserves board? Then I can swear in and be gained by the 340th? I haven't had anyone confirm these for me, just things I've picked up from reading this forum.
  22. I got hired with a lower GPA and lower AFOQT scores. Stop worrying about numbers, worry about being a humble good dude who people want to fly with.
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