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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Yeah man, I'll see you out there. We have to get a cab, unless there's a valid reason not to.
  2. I had to have my CSS check the BLSDM loss roster. Interesting info about Randolph.. I wish they'd shove me in there as well.
  3. It's changed in CDB for me. Folks should check again, as the dates settled once the accept/decline period ended.
  4. Vance. 1 Sep 20 Also, MFS was moved up to 8 Jan. According to AFPC, this is the earliest RNLTD and class start date available. I wish it were earlier, but the backlog must be that bad.
  5. Nothing here. Need to check CDB on Monday.
  6. Just what they told me over the phone. I didn't know if it was automatic or not, based on my circumstances. Apparently, it is mostly auto straight to UPT if you have a PPL, unless you think you want/need it. I don't think it will be incredibly useful, so I won't. Although.. getting feet wet with standup tempo is kinda tempting.
  7. I'm also 22 Jan for MFS, so I'll see you there Bob. AFPC told me this date is still tentative for folks. Also, they will be starting to load UPT dates once the 7 day period of accept/decline is up. Those with a PPL have the option to get a waiver with 19th AF in order to attend IFS. Even though it's been a minute since being in the seat, I'm electing to not pursue one, as it will definitely delay UPT dates. Food for thought.
  8. I'll take a stab and guess that there aren't enough IPs or infrastructure to push all of the pilot trainees they want through. *sigh* Blue tries to to put it out the (pilot shortage) fire by dousing it with water and realizes too late it's gasoline.
  9. A bit concerning..since you're on the older side of the applicants, and therefore you probably also had priority over younger selects, right? Any idea if there's a difference in wait times between bases? Also, what kind of queep do they have you doing in casual to stay 'active,' lol?
  10. 94 PCSM (PPL 117 hours) AFOQT P(94) N(98) Q(82) V(72) GPA 3.5 Also, there are 62 pilot selects on the list. Didn't get eyes on the document, so no word on the other areas...
  11. Not sure how I was first on here, but... UPT Select! Woot! GL bros!
  12. I agree. At the same time, however, it means a dramatic uptick in CSO/ABM slots compared to previous boards with almost 100 between the two.
  13. Surprised with these numbers, and even more with the on-time release. You learn to cherish these moments when Big Blue exceeds your expectations! Cheers 🍺
  14. Last week on the portal forum, someone from AFPC confirmed the PSDM nominally meant mid-November. But he provided the caveat that there is no confirmed date, as they were "still in coord with the staff at that time." If it's up for signature, as we think it is, then it seems mid-Nov is a reasonable expectation.
  15. I'm a bit confused now. It's still a redo if you passed the CCT during your FC1, and then you do it again at MFS and potentially fail it, right? Maybe I'm reading this incorrectly, but it seems like a double check on the areas that could still DQ you. A passed FC1 outside of WPAFB doesn't mean you're in the clear..?
  16. I was DQ'd for color vision as well back in ROTC in 2011. Had my PPL already at the time, so it was a huge letdown. Now on my last leg trying this dream out as a old geezar Captain. With all the hours I accrued, I'm rolling into this with a 94 PCSM. But I'm also sweating bullets with MFS, as I still only scraped by on the CCT (old version) during this last FC1. Pmike, do you think the new version of the CCT (with the directional C) is easier than the old one? Wondering if this is gonna be a crapshoot or not again...
  17. That's a pretty shitty situation. Have you checked to see if you might be able to get your losing/gaining commanders to grant you an extension until you find out?
  18. Perhaps there could be the same amount or more this year? It may have taken much longer for some folks to get ETPs and waivers this time around. I'm hopeful that the process has smoothed out a bit since last year, and the November timeline sticks...
  19. Are they going to make you stay in base housing though? I'll likely be in the same boat as you in the near future, but it might not be Vance.
  20. Do you mean active duty or reserve/guard boards? The process is pretty transparent, and a .PPT summary is posted in the UFT board page through the AF portal. It's a similar process to how OPR/promotion boards run. So you could meet a different board, submit the same package, and potentially get better or worse scores, depending on who grades it. But, even better would be to improve your stats or work on weak areas. No magic bullet here.
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