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    Charleston, SC

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  1. Any recent info for on base housing at Columbus? Was given an option to live in Capitol but maps shows the particular street as being undeveloped woods. Maybe its newer then compared to what I've heard about Capitol...
  2. If it becomes an annual vaccine requirement to stay in the military while the vaccine continues to be in an experimental/emergency use status, it definitely will continue to affect all of us (assuming everyone here is or wants to be in the military) and should be discussed.
  3. Prior AD Army/O3/PPL AFOQT/TBAS: January 2020 Board: Hired Guard heavies November 2020 Separated Army AD: July 2021 FC1: July 2021 FC1 approved: August 2021 NGB packet submitted: January 2022 NGB A1 approval of packet: February 2022 Sworn into unit: February 2022 UPT at Columbus: November 2022
  4. I’m leaving AD Army (non-aviation) for an AF ANG unit. I have a couple mild medical issues linked to rucking which could garner some disability. Are they worth claiming prior to FC1 and ANG service? I suspect claiming them would cause more trouble than they’re worth. Obviously the ANG slot is much more important to me than x amount of disability, but any input is appreciated.
  5. Strange that no dates are specified for when packages are due or when interviews may take place. All I found was fall and spring.
  6. Can’t speak to the job but Abu Dhabi is a pretty cool place. More laid back than Dubai and lots of expats. Waterfront and beach is nice too.
  7. I’m 30, current military, doctorate degree, and high scores, but my flight hours aren’t amazing. I think I’d trade my degree or scores for 4 years off my age based on the feedback I’d received. I know it’s vague but I hope that helps.
  8. I did. It wasn’t an actual invite yet though.
  9. I appreciate the variety of insights and opinions. Thanks for the responses!
  10. Just a new pilot musing here, but why wouldn’t the Pegasus have some form of winglets or raked wing tips? Although they would probably add some weight and development costs, it’s been done before on 767s and seems to be a cost-effective measure to increase fuel efficiency on all kinds of commercial aircraft. Given the thousands of hours these aircraft will fly, wouldn’t the extra cost be recouped in fuel saved quite easily? Is there something I’m missing here? Appreciate any input.
  11. Interesting. Got my faa class 3 through the med group with little issue. Maybe it’s something they added?
  12. Correct. Got them about a year ago now. About 5 GPH which is good for the club’s fuel bill.
  13. Kadena has an aero club with 3 RedHawks. Availability is alright most the time, but I have no context to speak to the competency of the management. Prices are a bit high but hey you’re on an island in the Pacific.
  14. Thanks for the input!
  15. There were bits of info related to this question in this thread, but not as much from a ANG/AFRES perspective I could find. If looking to apply to C130 UPT boards, is it worthwhile to pay attention to whether they fly H1, H2, or H3’s? I guess my assumption is that the units flying H1s would be the first to be closed or BRAC’d in favor of units flying later H’s and J’s. Is this concern even worth thinking about? Does this question belong in the stupid questions section? Any input is appreciated.
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