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Everything posted by twoTangoKilo

  1. God I love this forum lol. Never have I ever been rooting for my competitors to also succeed so much!
  2. I just got into this racket at the beginning of the year and have applied to pretty much every board that doesn't have the PPL or solo requirement. I was able to build 11 hours of flight time before COVID shut down my flight school and I haven't been able to fly since (I'm on Guam and options are very limited for flying). I have good scores and GPA, but had been getting shot down since I started. Then out of the blue, 4 interviews fall in my lap within a couple weeks. I had to decline one because they required an in person interview. I also can't visit units to establish a relationship from here so I've just taken advantage of units passing through Andersen AFB and have been spamming POCs with emails and phone calls to express my continued interest. I think that's really the only reason I've gotten any traction so far. If nothing happens with these interviews I'm gonna go ahead and reel it in to start prepping for my active duty separation. My advise to you when you're feeling discouraged is to remember that old chestnut... "Instead of thinking why me? Start thinking why NOT me?" And carry that attitude into your applications and how you communicate with the unit. Thats what I've been doing, and I'm right there with ya.
  3. Damn I guess they don't do courtesy no thanks letters?
  4. Anybody heard from Tennessee yet? Spoke directly over the phone and was expecting notifications last week.
  5. I'm just referring to notifications about whether or not we got an interview or the no thanks
  6. 179th (OH) and 183rd (MS) results are out
  7. Geeze I figured it was just a preliminary meet and greet that everyone got. Thank you!
  8. Anyone else get a Zoom interview with the 167th?
  9. Got the no thanks email this morning.
  10. Heard back from the POC on this one. "Our next pilot hiring board will be in October. Please have your package submitted to me by 14 Aug 20. If selected, I will include all the details needed for the interview process. While the interview dates are currently scheduled for 3 & 4 October 2020, we may have to be flexible due to COVID-19 protocols."
  11. 115 applicants and the average flight hours between them 200 hrs 😳 I'm starting to feel a little inferior.
  12. No job posting yet but the 117 ARW in Birmingham AL is gearing up for a board in November with packages due in October. Should have the package requirements sent to me in a day or so if anyone needs them once I receive them.
  13. Dude keep going! I was told directly the other day that some units will actually take the older guy over the younger guy if the experience is right for them. Also, are you just searching "UPT Boards" to find all these hidden gems or what? I can't find them when I search. Thanks for what you're doing by sharing these otherwise unposted boards for us.
  14. https://www.guardreservejobs.com/newjobboard/jobs/kc-135r-pilot-6/
  15. Thanks all you guys for the advice on the orders. It became pretty clear after a few days of thinking on it that if I'm really committed to finding a slot then the right move is to decline them. Plus 4 more years of my stupid Comm job is more than I can stand.
  16. I got my no thanks letter today from 104FS, moving on! I want to get some feedback on something from you guys that have been fighting this fight for a while, especially current active duty. I've got one year left on my service commitment and have been fully prepared to separate or go ANG to help me find a UPT spot. Then I get slapped with a dream assignment to the UK for next year and now I've got a big decision to make. On one hand I'm a pretty low hour student pilot so the extra time on AD will help me to build my hours enough that I should be much more competitive and COVID has kinda dried up a lot of the board opportunities of late. On the other, I will be locked into another contract which eliminates me from being able to get a spot at all for at least 2 years. Something that stood out to me on the 104FS email about anyone over 28 should be applying to anywhere they can. I'll be 26 when I would PCS and 28-30 before I can even get a spot, so that makes me feel like I would actually be less competitive. Anyone been through this dilemma?
  17. I dont know, but I'm getting pretty antsy. I felt pretty good about the meet and greet. Maybe if we don't hear anything by mid-month?
  18. Does anyone have a contact at the 134th ARW in Tennessee? I'd like to drop them a line.
  19. Any word from the 104 FS out of Baltimore?
  20. I was going to just tailor my cover letter for the letter of intent and call it good. I'm sure there's plenty of better reasons for them not to hire me than that lol. While we're on the topic of that board though, does anyone know if the Point Credit Summary applies to active duty or just existing Guard/Reserve folks?
  21. The Columbus tanker guys have been deployed out here in Guam for the last little bit so that could be why they've been quiet on replies lately. Hope that's helpful.
  22. Some info for any of you interested in that New Orleans 122d FS job posting that went up recently. Received this in response to my email inquiry: "Thanks for the email, we have been holding boards about twice a year and are always on the look out for good candidates. In the meantime please submit a completed application packet that includes the following items, in order, in a single PDF file: 1. Cover letter addressed to the 122FS Hiring Board stating the position you are interested in interviewing for and outlining your qualifications. 2. Printout of your AFOQT and PCSM Scores from the official website 3. Resume to include civilian and military experience (Please make this as comprehensive as possible on a single page, it will be heavily weighted.) 4. Transcript Summary from an accredited 4-year or higher degree 5. Minimum of 3 letters of recommendation. 6. If prior service, your last two EPR/OPRs 7. A current photo and date of birth If you haven't taken those tests, I recommend starting there as we use these scores to determine eligibility for pilot slots. Talk soon Maj Stanley "Slam" Cheng 122nd Fighter Squadron"
  23. So would it be inappropriate to attach a LOR with my resume or advisable to just stick to what they're asking?
  24. Hi guys, figured it was my time to jump in this conversation since I'm finally gearing up to start putting in my first applications. Gonna shoot for the 158th in Savannah to break the ice. Tricky thing about my situation is that I'm currently AD assigned to Andersen AFB in Guam so I'm not sure how that's gonna work with my DEROS. If anyone has any insight on the 158th, it would be much appreciated.
  25. So I have lurked around this forum for a while and have never posted until I noticed this Q&A section, so I wanted to put my situation out there and see what kind of feedback I can get going forward. I read through some of the other questions but none of them really matched up to my situation, so any help that can be provided is much appreciated. I am currently an enlisted Comm guy stationed at Andersen AFB. I extended for this assignment and my DEROS basically matches my end of service which will be summer of 2021 giving me just under two years to get my ducks in a row. I’m about 80% complete on my degree, which I will obviously have completed by the end of this assignment, and have taken the AFOQT once so far (my math score needed some work but I got a 95 Pilot and 93 Nav). I am going to schedule the TBAS in a few weeks and am going to begin working on my PPL at a local flight school here on the island very soon. As of right now I have 0 hours but I want to make flying my career whether that be military or to separate and use my GI bill to start getting my ratings on the civilian side. I was gearing up to put in an OTS package for the AD rated boards coming up but suddenly realized that I am done with the Active Duty life and want to go guard/reserve. I haven’t spoken to any recruiters yet because the closest ones are in Hawaii and they only come out to Guam every once in a blue moon. Plus, it seems like the best way to create opportunities in these situations is to reach out to units directly. The few things that I am sure of are that I want to separate from active duty and that I want to sew some roots for my small family so they don’t have to be moved around the world anymore. The dream situation for me would be to go straight from enlisted active duty to jumping into a pilot spot and going from there. If I can’t find a pilot spot right off the bat I plan to go Guard/Reserve anyway even if I have to continue on with my stupid Comm job. I know the first step is really just finding a unit and I have a few units underlined on my list that I would like to reach out to, specifically Wisconsin and around the TN, SC, NC, GA area. I am obviously open to going anywhere that the opportunity arises, however if anyone reading this is from one of these units I would very much like to hear from you! So here are my questions… What the best way to go about reaching out to units to gauge interest in who might be willing to bring me in? Being in Guam creates a level of difficulty for reaching out directly as I’m sure most units would rather do a face-to-face if they are actually interested in the first place, and even a phone call is tough to do with the time difference. And even if I did call, I want to be sure I’m reaching out to the right people! Being that I am an active duty enlisted guy, what type of things are units looking for in someone wanting to become a pilot for them? I don’t have any aviation experience on paper to speak for me but I am curious if my AF experience (EPRS, decs, letters of recommendation) will help me out? Also being that I'm currently tied to an assignment for the next two years, what kind of timeline should I be looking at for this whole process? Lastly…. What am I missing? I will be done with my degree soon, have qualifying scores on the AFOQT, will have the TBAS done soon, and am going to start building hours toward my PPL soon. P.S. I know many guard units are always rotating through Guam so if you’re here and want to grab a beer, let me know! Thanks again Jacob
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