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Everything posted by bcuziknow

  1. Wow sounds like the entire workforce is horrendous and we should just turn the entire business over to pilots to run it all! Pretty simple solution. oh wait I forgot, they do own and run it all…my bad
  2. If you have to ask, then you must think you’re at least a little bit of a “some know-it-all asshole”, I would go with a nah, timings not right. But hey, you do you! 🍺 -Thoughts
  3. Hate much, or just that bitter over life’s choices?
  4. Ouch
  5. Navy Federal 100%
  6. This action is a response to practices deemed unsafe or unsound by the OCC, particularly in areas of management, earnings, and information technology. Practices “unsafe and unsound” was the justification OCC and FDIC closed Washington Mutual 2008
  7. Stunning this place is still open. And that clown is still CEO https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/us-watchdog-orders-usaa-bank-to-rectify-practices/ar-AA1wbxxf?
  8. lol great way to guarantee a zero “In some cases, the VA doesn’t have all the evidence needed to make a rating decision, so the claim is deferred. A deferred VA claim means your claim was neither denied nor approved. Instead, it’s put on hold until you can submit sufficient evidence. Simply put, the VA is telling you that the information you submitted with your claim is incomplete. They’re asking for more information from you to make a rating decision.” Additionally, there is so much misinformation, disinformation, and out and out bullshit in this thread I would hope that anyone pursuing disability claims would search elsewhere for accurate info/guidance. The Texas lawyer “guarantee” is a classic! As for the OP, are you sure you’re not confusing the “combined ratings” table vs “adding up” your ratings. Pretty hard (nearly impossible) to get anywhere near an 100% rating with “ just a bunch of little aches and pains” Also, 100% rating in no way guarantee a P & T. ex: one “large” rating like CPAP 50% plus another TEN 10% little aches and pains would only grant you a 80% rating. Best advice you gave was start 2 (I would argue 5) yrs out from ret/sep.
  9. Warrant Officers - lmao
  10. And not hard to decipher who has taken to necessary steps to get rated and who hasn’t!
  11. Ditto on the team Trident. Hands down the best VA team, process, and results. I’ve used others and closed on 4 VA loans in the last 6 yrs with the most recent Trident. Minimal invasion of financial colonoscopy, minimal calls to respond to, and smooth closing. Definitely the only mortgage I’ll ever use. Thanks again Jon/Roy/and the staff to make it happen on a short notice closing. Walt & Tracey
  12. A lawyer is not required, however trying to do it yourself is not recommended either. If you do it yourself, good luck with that. If this poster used a VSO then he needs to find another more qualified one. It’s complicated (by design), but well worth the effort to learn the puzzle pieces and “the math”….and don’t assume you understand “the math” ex: hysterectomy 50% + sleep apnea 50% does NOT = VA 100% It’s actually 75% unless there are other claims. “The Math” - https://www.va.gov/VA-combined-ratings-table-2019.pdf As for the original post (di1630), I would suggest you left a lot on the table. For most of you (I assume AD) a 50% rating is min target as it then becomes a $1150ish/mo tax free IN ADDITION to ret check. Anything less than 50% and it’s simply eliminates the tax on that amount of your retirement check. NOTE: 50% is not that terribly difficult to rate when you take into account things like sniffles, allergies, knee issues, tinnitus, hearing loss, ((plantar fasciitis <—— foot stomp 50% alone)) to name just a few. Plenty more easily puts said poster well above 50%. Veterans Administration report to Congress, the ten most commonly awarded medical conditions that are getting approved for benefits are as follows: Tinnitus Limitation of flexion (knee) Hearing loss Lumbosacral or cervical strain (back and neck strains) Limitation of arm motion General scars Limitation of ankle motion PTSD Migraines Paralysis of the sciatic nerve Finally, it’s not “a game”, it’s a benefit available for a reason. When you swore in some 20+ years ago, the govt agreed to return you to after your service in the condition you were in when you entered service. Here’s where I get on my soapbox - are you aware that ED (often associated w most your claims and a no brainer for someone w back issues) is a Special K award of $120ish/mo on top of your VA rating. Oh, and for you pilots, also free viagra for life. jus sayin~ “Game the system”? No. Understand the benefits you’re due and learn the rules, HELL YES! Finally, the time to start preparing yourself (increase your medical visits) for those benefits is 1-2 yrs from retirement, not at your govt reqd TAMP session.
  13. As well as promote 1 or 2 times again!
  14. Huh, what? I guess that makes the Gamecocks world beaters.. Go Buckeyes!
  15. “I am in a flying air advisor position“ - God help us!
  16. Why does every time I post something not get posted? “Your content will need to be approved by a moderator”
  17. Newsflash to TFL at age 65. You MUST take Medicare Part B or you lose your TF”L”. Three things happen to your TFL at age 65, all three fairly significant: 1. Effective your 65th Birthday, you will no longer be seen by a PCP on base. You can continue to use emergency services at military hospitals however all of your health, clinic care providers will be on the market (Medicare providers). You can still fill your prescriptions on base so you won’t need Medicare Part D plan. 2. When you elect Medicare Part B (required or you lose TFL), Medicare becomes your primary insurance and Tricare becomes your wraparound coverage for anything Medicare doesn’t cover (still a good deal, sorta). 3. The standard Part B premium amount in 2022 is $170.10, so yeah you now start paying. In addition to the “standard cost” of $170.10, Social Security takes your PREVIOUS two tax returns (from the IRS) and, depending on your income from those two PREVIOUS years, you pay an additional amount of premium added to your monthly Medicare cost. The “holy grail” TFL just got tarnished. Personal experience: my “forever” TFL deduction of $50/mo for family coverage, has just turned into $544/mo for Medicare coverage for JUST ME at 65. But gee, I get to keep my TFL, which gets me prescriptions, SAAMC, VA, options still available. BLUF: for those of you chasing that airline final hi 2-3 yrs, at age 65 your MEDICARE premiums will be determined on your “previous” two years AGI “If your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you'll pay the standard premium amount and an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). IRMAA is an extra charge added to your premium.” Thank your local politicians if you agree with this law- bastardz… jus sayin~ https://www.medicare.gov/your-medicare-costs/part-b-costs
  18. Local reports say the plane had been used in a parade as a float, and the pilot decided he would take off from the street to get back home. Luckily, the pilot was not injured in the crash, but the crash caused the street to be closed for several hours. https://www.tmz.com/2021/10/03/plane-crash-texas-highway-video-streetlight/ Brilliant
  19. Resume’s are job specific- LinkedIn is no longer a thing (other than like other social media sites, mostly used to look at you and disqualify you for some dumbazz reason). USAJobs (govt jobs) require a whole different approach to application, need to use govt speak. And job specific. It’s the govt..nuff said! Many have asked, Yes I do resumes - easier and far below Career Pro Global. - just look at their reviews
  20. Apply now for the waiver. Should be fairly simple and approved. Worse case, transfer to AFR/ANG billet and do nothing for 6 mos and retire with 3 yrs TIG - don’t retire as a major
  21. Correct.. caveat - I wouldn’t “buy it back” while still married with “commingled” funds/accounts because any sleaze divorce attorney would pounce on that. lastly - once you begin a civil service position, you have three years to “buy it back” interest free. After that three years, interest accumulates annually.
  22. Mil Ret/Civ Svc Ret/VA disability (tax free)/SSN at 62 = 4x once/mo club rest of your life. Your mil retirement is governed by law and your original post talked about having 19yrs AD, so she will get half’ish of that (assuming you’re still married). You will get the other half of that full mil retirement. Buying your mil time just gives you additional ret credit within CivSvc/FERS. The civilian piece is completely separate and if you buy it it’s yours only, again, assuming you’re no longer married. She has no claim to what you build in civil service if that’s what it sounds like you’re asking. Unless of course, you’re married and start civ service with her in tow, then she could claim a portion of the time she is married to you while you build a new civ svc retirement, however that’s all negotiable in divorce court, no law to her entitlement of that. just remember, if at any time you elect a “20 yr AD” retirement, you can no longer buy that 20 years towards a civ svc retirement unless you forego your AD ret. You MUST buy back mil time prior to civ retirement and retire title 10 reserve retirement to collect both in full...it’s a pretty good gig (4x). If you had 19 AD and did that, you would certainly pick up enough points to retire (7200) at anytime if you decided to blow off the tech gig at some point and go fly elsewhere or live off your bitcoins. And you would have most likely been promoted another time or two. No different than any AD 20 ret. It opens up a lot of options....last point, you don’t have to buyback all of your AD time, could only buy the cheapest years early on....think 4x and DEFINED BENEFIT = monthly annuity rest of life vs worrying about having to manage a lifestyle on 401k withdrawals. Now what the hell is “dsg”?
  23. She gets exactly 50% of your mil ret based on number points you have/had when you divorce - whenever you start drawing it. Sometimes more, rarely less. 20 yrs has nothing to do with it and for the most part, neither does AD/ARC. When/if you buy your mil time towards FERS Civ time, that doesn’t eliminate your mil retirement..it has no bearing whatsoever. Only issue is when you choose to begin drawing it. Buying your mil time only increases your civ retirement, does nothing to your mil retirement. lots if variables in the above, however when maximized correctly, you can create quite the healthy/wealthy DEFINED BENEFIT RETIREMENT PLAN as a technician. I have many career airline buds who envy my retirement pension(s)x4 - granted they are all legacy big airline bros who got royally fckd by bankruptcies and mergers. BLUF: your current (possibly ex) wife is entitled to and will get 50% of your 19+ yrs (insert grade here) military retirement whenever you begin drawing it, whether now or age 60.
  24. Sounds like you have it all figured out? There never was a decision, your wife told you that all along...🤦‍♂️ AF has taken care of you and will continue to “bend over backwards to make life better” for you..so, no real need to elaborate on anything. I wish you well and best of luck. As for your $32k per year added for 5 “extra years” - I’d love to see that math. With many DAL buds getting $75k on up in “bonus”bucks, but we won’t digress so I won’t even go there. In all seriousness, I wish you well, the AF needs you. 🍺🍺
  25. CLASSIC You clearly aren’t going anywhere, just trying to get others to justify your decision - Stick around as long as you can on the govt teat until they no longer want you, and at that point, you’re done (on their terms). Good luck if that’s 2 yrs or so out and the hiring boom is subsiding. But hey, you can tell everyone who don’t care “I was a commander”. A few gems on here that will not fit your narrative but worth considering. I’ll add my own. 1 - Command is overrated these days 2 - If you are behind the curve on promotions and just “always wanted to make LtCol”, well - you’ll make it and good luck with final 2-3 yrs 3 - The AF doesn’t have you or your families best interest on their radar, they just kinda need you 4 - The AFR and ANG are the best options to open a wealth of opportunities for careers, promotions, and wealth building that you will never know. 05 just to join, 06 if you participate, 07 if you desire to be somebody... In closing - You seem to be risk adverse, so you will do fine right where you are. Best of Luck, the AF preys on the 15-18yr sanctuary dudes..🍺 Footnote: Not a whole lot of financial gain for service years after 20 (of which you can easily gain within AFR/ANG with minimal effort)
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