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  1. Anyone have any SA on how long it takes from FC1 complete for your unit to get your DD2808? FC1 complete 7 weeks ago and my unit still doesn’t have it.
  2. I have been waiting just about 4 months was told to expect 6-8 Timeline: selected: Nov 2020 @ Guard fighter unit MEPS: Completed prior to hire Sep 2020 SG Approval: Jan 2021 Enlistment: After NGB approval NGB Approval: Processing FC1: ? TFOT: ? UPT: ?
  3. Allowed usually right after hire. Expected/required after enlistment
  4. The real holdup right now is NGB approval
  5. Must be nice lol. Mine took from the time my recruiter said my MEPS packet was at the surgeon general to the time he said it was approved was just over 2 months. YMMV
  6. Correct. I think the guard is allocated 1 maybe 2 T38 tx courses each year. I’m guessing the 115th got one of those lucky slots last year.
  7. I interviewed at the 115th’s last board (176th fighter squadron F-16 unit) and one of the RC-26 pilots was interviewing with them and he got picked up. So yes definitely possible. Best of luck!
  8. I was pursuing the AD route when I got picked up by ANG unit. I already had my MEPS done through AD because they require it to be done before any recruiter will submit you for a rated board. So if you wanted to game the system and reach out to an AD recruiter and start that packet then that is the only way to get MEPS done before being selected. Your choice if you want to spend that time doing that. My personal opinion spend your time and resources making connections with the units and if one likes you enough and wants to entertain the age waiver not sure if MEPS complete or not would tip the scale one way or the other at that point, but the choice is yours. Best of luck!
  9. Been told too my face by more than one squadron that “You interviewed really well and we really like you BUT the squadron has been burned by hiring people not from the area and then they leave so not this time, but we’d love to see you apply again”... it sucks but it’s just how it goes sometimes. Just keep pushing it can get very frustrating though.
  10. Haha right there with you man, hurry up and wait. Ty for info though, that cleared up a few things for me.
  11. Gonna migrate the conversation over to this topic. @FOX3 Were u guard or reserve? And what’s ur timeline look like? I’m assuming u enlisted/got gained by the unit before u dropped OTS dates? But anyways congrats!
  12. Yeah that's exactly along the lines of what I was thinking. @ryleypavDo you have confirmed OTS/UPT dates now prior to your FC1?
  13. Not sure if NGB and the reserve board works the same. But once my package gets approved by NGB is that when they issue OTS dates? If that is the case then my recruiter is sending my package to NGB now and that is prior to me getting my FC1 so it is definitely possible. However, I can see it being the other way around as well with them not wanting to issue OTS/UPT dates to someone who may not even be eligible considering their FC1 has not been done/stamped approved yet.
  14. To the the best of my knowledge no it does not. Only bars you from AD applications/selection. I have multiple AD friends that have twice declined a rated position offered and can now no longer apply AD. They plan on fulfilling their AD commitment and then going guard/reserve. Your situation is a little different with the age waiver instead of 2 denials, but I don't see why that would be any different and bar you from guard/reserve. Just talk with units you are interested in and see if they will entertain an age waiver for you. Best of luck
  15. Lets go! Huge congrats man. Know you have been working towards this for awhile.
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