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Everything posted by Jester251

  1. My dude, I feel your pain...literally, as this just happened to me. And you’re right, as far as the FAA is concerned (Also a Commercial pilot here), as long as you’re passing their vision standards, you should be fine. So, the bright side is, airline career is out there. The Doc at WP did mention that they’re currently experimenting with non-flying personnel like ATC that have been diagnosed with keratoconus and have been treated with Corneal Cross Linking (CXL). Next step would to experiment with current rated pilots, etc. So, this is probably 5 years out (it was his best guess). Not sure how old you are, but as a 31 yr old, I’ll continue with Airline career, being grateful to have been given a slot (by a guard unit), and I’ll move on. If you’re in your early 20s, I’ll definitely keep an eye out, no pun intended 🙂. if you’re reading this in 2021 or after...maybe regs have changed! It did for lasik/prk, or maybe there’s a new way to restore the cornea, science is always advancing/improving! Best of luck!
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